Miss Jackie posted some pics of Molly and myself dancing in Mach FoX. You can check them out at Miss jackie's web page under miscellanious. There are some shots I think captured our uber-darkness...or something like that. This was our first ghoul dancing show. Here is to the rest
Good to hear from you, and yes I can see
how DOWN SOUTH might play in a certain
way in your eyes and ears. Thanks. I think
THE STORM gave us back the strangulating
way in which our class and race issues are all
mixed up because we have come close to
creating an entire class based on their race.
It was getting involved in the Irish scene which
gave me to see the priority of class after all.
You are my sister, and my phantom androgynous dream girl friend forever. I moved
you away from my favorite pictures for a day or
so because I wanted to send props to a couple
of people I know need them exactly now. But
I think you were just about the first on this site
to extend real friendship. I feel a loyality and
kinship for you which is the same thing as family.
love, bob
Oh WOW.... that is so GREAT that you have seen Leslie Feinberg speak! I would love to see her in person - I'm a big fan too!
And WOW again about the Rocky Horror PS - what a wonderful Columbia you would be! Fun fact!!
Thanks for the drink recommdation! Is a Tom Collins made with vodka or gin?
And a cherry on top is ALWAYS a good thing, I say! So I must try one!
Hope your Sunday was fun!
Love & Winx, Jinxi