Femme Militia: Well Rip Out Your Heart And Use It As A Dildo!
This was a quote I found in the, now defunct, Mankato Queer Monthly. Oh, the treasures you find when room cleaning!!!
I think this week I will quote it in honor of the ass-hole last night whose party I served. As I was leaving a flood of rain poured down and he, so kindly told me I could use his shirt(then proceeded to lift up his shirt----what is this boy's gone wild?). Then when I said, NO! He told me I should use my skirt. Well, great idea and while I'm at it I will "above quote" Cause,*ahem*, a girl never has enough toys.

This was a quote I found in the, now defunct, Mankato Queer Monthly. Oh, the treasures you find when room cleaning!!!
I think this week I will quote it in honor of the ass-hole last night whose party I served. As I was leaving a flood of rain poured down and he, so kindly told me I could use his shirt(then proceeded to lift up his shirt----what is this boy's gone wild?). Then when I said, NO! He told me I should use my skirt. Well, great idea and while I'm at it I will "above quote" Cause,*ahem*, a girl never has enough toys.

Hope your Wednesday was wonderful!!
Thinking of you!
Winx and kisses - Jinxi