"Sippin on some 40z"
Guess who saw the best show of the summer---and no one else did (except a few underage gay boys in techno-color hot pants, thrown in for good measure), me! And who was this dirty-rotten-good-time band? Gravy Train!!! I went expecting every slut-core queer to show, but no. I think it went under everyones raydar. Which was fine cause it meant more dance space for me. Junx kept pulling his shorts down and exposing his rump. He, at one point, jumped off the stage, pulled his shorts down and shimmied his naked booty on my highny. With....pom-pom's in his hands!!! Pom-poms, folks...that's funny when you realize I lost my V-card to pom-poms(they were blue incase you where wondering). I got a little blitzed at the AA show and woke up with parts of a yellow dryer and Junx's phone #(no funny buisness, he just was going to hang with us that night).
In other news, since my failed attempt at the sex trade...I have another idea in the bag (to be shared later). I've also found an awesome nonprofit to voluteer at, as a way to get my azz in the door and learn about the cities resources, build connections and figure out if it's what I want to do with my life. I've not been keeping up with writting, cause my fingers have been in other pies, but..."If you cannot be a poet, be the poem".
I had an amazing dream last night where I lived in a white-trash palace between Mexico and an amusment park. Downtown from my house was a techno-dream store filled with retro cowgirls and my car was a cream-puff--I flew all ova'. and drank margaritas at the local watering hole. What does this mean? Should I move into a theme park and become a paid eccentric? I rarely have such vivid illusions...too bad dreams always sound flat and boring when written down...oh, well. You read it!
Guess who saw the best show of the summer---and no one else did (except a few underage gay boys in techno-color hot pants, thrown in for good measure), me! And who was this dirty-rotten-good-time band? Gravy Train!!! I went expecting every slut-core queer to show, but no. I think it went under everyones raydar. Which was fine cause it meant more dance space for me. Junx kept pulling his shorts down and exposing his rump. He, at one point, jumped off the stage, pulled his shorts down and shimmied his naked booty on my highny. With....pom-pom's in his hands!!! Pom-poms, folks...that's funny when you realize I lost my V-card to pom-poms(they were blue incase you where wondering). I got a little blitzed at the AA show and woke up with parts of a yellow dryer and Junx's phone #(no funny buisness, he just was going to hang with us that night).
In other news, since my failed attempt at the sex trade...I have another idea in the bag (to be shared later). I've also found an awesome nonprofit to voluteer at, as a way to get my azz in the door and learn about the cities resources, build connections and figure out if it's what I want to do with my life. I've not been keeping up with writting, cause my fingers have been in other pies, but..."If you cannot be a poet, be the poem".
I had an amazing dream last night where I lived in a white-trash palace between Mexico and an amusment park. Downtown from my house was a techno-dream store filled with retro cowgirls and my car was a cream-puff--I flew all ova'. and drank margaritas at the local watering hole. What does this mean? Should I move into a theme park and become a paid eccentric? I rarely have such vivid illusions...too bad dreams always sound flat and boring when written down...oh, well. You read it!

Contest Update for 8.7.05