...I am getting intouch with my anger. Excuse the rant, or dont...and get a spanking! Cause I am, Bushwaked and tired of talking about it anymore...
Your words are best suited for plastic-wrap
So who wrote your speech
We know your a puppet filled to the mouth in others shat
Your speeches are processed half-lies
capitalistic, pirated diatribes
backed by a mythical majority
who's history includes pilidging, plundering and pandering
In this game if you can't make it in mass, sell it in mass, or
take it to mass, it's not right and there's no left around it
But, puns aside
your political pundits are making a killing off this advertising scheme, like the idea that we are delivering democracy
more like delivering hypocrocy
cause democracy is not delivered in bombs
by people who want to liberate your oil into their cars
It's not in colonizing or agrandizing America's expansive area
and it's most certainly not in a son's plotted vendetta
You can't deliver liberation when your own country
is run by thieves
who with too much ease cast away the grievences of those
it helps keep on their knees
We got a failing social system backed up by white lies
a lack of education making way for the righteous religious
right's high rise
We still got no full civil and economic right's for queers
even though "pro-family" pundits are outnumbered
by the real families that make them sneer
There's a woman's right to choose cast a reproductive liability
sorry ladies but if you got eggs, you where meant for a life of babies
Just like those Iraquis with their oil-fields if they didn't want our occupaition
they shouldn't have lured us with that liquid gold, just asking for invation
A coalition of the willing, we don't even have at home
how can we when the minorities are still living at the bottom rung
when the word "class" makes us think, only, of our failing school system
when the word America makes us think of Bush, instead of the native tribes still living under colonialism
instead of the imigrants and slaves who paid, some, with thier lives
for all the products and symbols we prize and idealize
Demopublican or Republican its all the same
cause power, greed and oil is the drug's they crave
and we can't fix our problems while their getting their fix
We gotta strike please and thank-you from all of our lips
Stop choosing between two privledged, pompus, power-hungry idealogues
Stop playing by their game, by their rules, at our cost
and form a coalition of the unwilling
that can move the hands from the puppet and
reveal it as stinking shit!
Your words are best suited for plastic-wrap
So who wrote your speech
We know your a puppet filled to the mouth in others shat
Your speeches are processed half-lies
capitalistic, pirated diatribes
backed by a mythical majority
who's history includes pilidging, plundering and pandering
In this game if you can't make it in mass, sell it in mass, or
take it to mass, it's not right and there's no left around it
But, puns aside
your political pundits are making a killing off this advertising scheme, like the idea that we are delivering democracy
more like delivering hypocrocy
cause democracy is not delivered in bombs
by people who want to liberate your oil into their cars
It's not in colonizing or agrandizing America's expansive area
and it's most certainly not in a son's plotted vendetta
You can't deliver liberation when your own country
is run by thieves
who with too much ease cast away the grievences of those
it helps keep on their knees
We got a failing social system backed up by white lies
a lack of education making way for the righteous religious
right's high rise
We still got no full civil and economic right's for queers
even though "pro-family" pundits are outnumbered
by the real families that make them sneer
There's a woman's right to choose cast a reproductive liability
sorry ladies but if you got eggs, you where meant for a life of babies
Just like those Iraquis with their oil-fields if they didn't want our occupaition
they shouldn't have lured us with that liquid gold, just asking for invation
A coalition of the willing, we don't even have at home
how can we when the minorities are still living at the bottom rung
when the word "class" makes us think, only, of our failing school system
when the word America makes us think of Bush, instead of the native tribes still living under colonialism
instead of the imigrants and slaves who paid, some, with thier lives
for all the products and symbols we prize and idealize
Demopublican or Republican its all the same
cause power, greed and oil is the drug's they crave
and we can't fix our problems while their getting their fix
We gotta strike please and thank-you from all of our lips
Stop choosing between two privledged, pompus, power-hungry idealogues
Stop playing by their game, by their rules, at our cost
and form a coalition of the unwilling
that can move the hands from the puppet and
reveal it as stinking shit!

first avenue, huh? i know babes in toyland played there tons, is it a really cool venue? ive heard good things about it!
you sound pretty awesome, i'd like to meet you!!!
I did this spoken piece back in 98' , it was my 2nd solo performance piece and it was a monologue about all the things, institutions, experiences etc that I wanted to put to death to....and of course Macca's took centre stage
But you pissin under the arches over the regime of non-human animal genoicide and exploitation of third world countries has gotta be our first gang date, cunt