Yay!!!!! Now I'm starting to get the hang of this technology! This photo is from a photo shoot I did with my friend Dylan's car. The photo was done by Chadley.
I'll write more when I have time. Life is a little complicated right now. I have 3 jobs a new house and a new business to build up. Because of our crap-tacular economy I will only have two jobs soon enough. The bar I've been apart of for almost two years is closing it's doors on November 15th. If you live in Minneapolis you should head down to Pi before it closes and have a drink and check out our last two weeks of incredible events. Maria Isa will be performing and we have one last Dildo Bingo (play bingo for sex toys and benefit a charity all in one night)! Check out PiLuv for more details. We are an all inclusive bar (which could have been our downfall) we want EVERYONE who comes in our doors to feel comfortable and welcome.
I hope everyone had a bad-azz halloween! I know I had a little to much fun. Today I stayed in for once and have been nursing myself out of a zombie-like slumber. Nothing a ton of water and bad TV can't fix

anyone told you how gorgeous you are today?
How is Pi doing these days? Did they manage to hold out?