Homocore Minneapolis was a success and for all of you who could, but didn't go
Scream Club are not only amazing performers but are, also, some down-ass ladies. I would send you a link to some of the pictures...but...I got WAY-sted that night and would rather not show any forms of proof. All I can say is, I wasn't so waisted that I put on a bad performance (I still kicked azz) but after I performed I was so wasted that I bruised my elbows (I guess I fell but I don't remember). Not that I'm gloating, I'm a little embarraced, but I was amoungst friends and I did cab it (SEE,I am fairly responcible). Damn, free drink tickets.
The next homocore show will feature Katastrophe!
My bands next show will be October 14th at Club Underground--we are headlining!
AND, just cause I like this quote:
There is a crucial differece between the criminal and the outlaw. The criminal is a perverse rebel who acts out against the law, a subnormal person who is unable to care enough about others to bear adult responsabilities. The outlaw is a supranormal individual who cares about others too much to accept the limitations on eros that are imposed by normal life. Thus the outlaw quest moves outside and beyond not against the law. While the rebel is merely rejecting the established, the outlaw is motivated by a quest for autonamy, self-government...not rooted in any undigested psychological need to rebel, but in a passion for justice, dignity, and freedom. The trasn-moral conscience of the outlaw is the inner voice of a universal community struggling to be born.
---Sam Keen, The Passionate Life: Stages of Loving

Scream Club are not only amazing performers but are, also, some down-ass ladies. I would send you a link to some of the pictures...but...I got WAY-sted that night and would rather not show any forms of proof. All I can say is, I wasn't so waisted that I put on a bad performance (I still kicked azz) but after I performed I was so wasted that I bruised my elbows (I guess I fell but I don't remember). Not that I'm gloating, I'm a little embarraced, but I was amoungst friends and I did cab it (SEE,I am fairly responcible). Damn, free drink tickets.
The next homocore show will feature Katastrophe!
My bands next show will be October 14th at Club Underground--we are headlining!
AND, just cause I like this quote:
There is a crucial differece between the criminal and the outlaw. The criminal is a perverse rebel who acts out against the law, a subnormal person who is unable to care enough about others to bear adult responsabilities. The outlaw is a supranormal individual who cares about others too much to accept the limitations on eros that are imposed by normal life. Thus the outlaw quest moves outside and beyond not against the law. While the rebel is merely rejecting the established, the outlaw is motivated by a quest for autonamy, self-government...not rooted in any undigested psychological need to rebel, but in a passion for justice, dignity, and freedom. The trasn-moral conscience of the outlaw is the inner voice of a universal community struggling to be born.
---Sam Keen, The Passionate Life: Stages of Loving

She was supreme last night, been injected with some well overdue cunt power, still reverberating today
Ma new set(well its ten mnths old!!!) is queued by the way, has been for over a week now, should be flashing ya me gash any day now
and you hot drunky lady... today i play with my band!! im anxiouuuuuus... see my flog here
i want to see you next 14th.. fuckin shit im so faaaaaar.
i want to see pics of your performance... and your fell. jojojojojo.