not much to say today....

getting ready to leave i hope every one enjoys the taste of my dust....haha

i just hope the old booger makes it ....ahh what am i talking about this is a well made peice of steel here he has taken me far and wide across great distances ....i just hope i get to see some old friends on the way......
thats is sianara "orlando" I am off last chances to get a ride ......leaving in 3 days!!!!!

I cant wait i think i will wet my self in excitement blush
talk about manic spontanious actions.......

I think i am gonna move to ashland or. tomarow...crazy or what...I think it is ..
but why i used to just pack myt bag grab my dog and stick out my thumb....now i am questioning grabing my keys and driving out there...i shouldnt be ......i am crazy enough to do it watch me.....if you dont here from me in...
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surreal Dreams surreal

man I must do something to influnce some weird ones.......

one day i will stay in dream land surreal ...i just hope it is a good onebiggrin
eeek omg my "guy friend " that i almost maried just got in to a 5 car pile up eeek but he is ok.

but on to differant things i am trying to find a good camera man here in orlando to take pics ....so i can get them to missy maybe i could be a sg shocked ..but who knows, Oh I had to take a drug...
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I couldnt view the pic you posted... frown what was it?
it still looks like a red X in a box... frown
well not much to say today

bogada bogadabogada that sums it up
yeah ......I love to get inked yet another marker on my time line.......

man we are gonna be the coolest old people in the old folks home

i wonder how the next generation will rebel....man i am scared eeek
if only i was still on the west coast....I could be happy now....soon it will happen i just need to drive there who wants a ride whatever

why do i do this no one reads ...
wait is that the idea of a journel?