UPDATE The set that I shot today just didn't seem good enough to me. Oh well. I posted it in PSW and have a few shots in my pics folder. I have 5 weeks to try again.
I haven't done the questions thing in awhile I think I may do that....
1. What's the first thing you do when you log onto SG? I usually check my comments and reply to them.
2. Do you know a brave person that has had to go overseas? My father-in-law, who's 49 years old, had to go over for a year. Thankfully he came back safe and sound in March.
3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I'd like to be graduating law school and moving somewhere out of the state. And hopefully have another child by then too.
4. What's your worst habit? I bite my nails. I've done it since I was about 3 years old. If anyone can help me stop I will love you forever. Other than that, I don't really drink, never smoke, and not a fan of any drugs so I'm pretty much a good girl.
5. What kind of computer are you on right now? (Yes, I know it's a dumb question, but I couldn't think of anything else.
) I am on a Dell Inspiron 5100 notebook.
Tip of the Day Looking up directly into the sun will hurt!!!
I haven't done the questions thing in awhile I think I may do that....
1. What's the first thing you do when you log onto SG? I usually check my comments and reply to them.
2. Do you know a brave person that has had to go overseas? My father-in-law, who's 49 years old, had to go over for a year. Thankfully he came back safe and sound in March.
3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I'd like to be graduating law school and moving somewhere out of the state. And hopefully have another child by then too.
4. What's your worst habit? I bite my nails. I've done it since I was about 3 years old. If anyone can help me stop I will love you forever. Other than that, I don't really drink, never smoke, and not a fan of any drugs so I'm pretty much a good girl.

5. What kind of computer are you on right now? (Yes, I know it's a dumb question, but I couldn't think of anything else.

Tip of the Day Looking up directly into the sun will hurt!!!

I get on to check the comments on my journal. Since there's never a vast number, I chase that with checking replies and rebuttles to all of the posts I made during my list visit.
2. Do you know a brave person that has had to go overseas?
I know of several, but personally know none. However, my Uncle (not very close to him) died this morning in Iraq. Sucide bombing, he was driving one of 3 SUVs. The story is plastered on CNN.com 'Suicide Bomb Kills 13' or something to that affect. Never knew he was there until a phone call this morning. Hadn't heard of or from him in years.
3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Graduating from Texas A&M University in College Station with a major in Mechanical Engineering, looking for a job in the major automotives industry, hopefully Chevrolet *crosses fingers*...Though I'm not sure if that's the real specification that I want to get in to.
4. What's your worst habit?
...Grotesquely enough, I'll admit it. I unconsciously pick at my face...It's gross, and I'm working on doing that less...It was BAD years ago. (Gah, I can't believe I just admitted to that...Blech)
5. What kind of computer are you on right now?
Dell Laptop...Not sure what type, it's my dad's hand me down and it's in its docking station at the moment, and I'm too lazy to get it out and check.
[Edited on Jun 14, 2004 3:57PM]