Today started off like any other day....I slept through school again.
Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! I have got to stop doing that!! If I ever become a lawyer I will probably end up sleeping through court!!
Anyway, after that I decided to go to the gym. I lost 10 lbs this past week without much effort on my part so this week I decided to throw in exercize too. I went a little over 3 miles on the treadmill.....that's all I had time for before I had to go home, get a shower and meet Casey. I just loooooove her little boy. He's 8 weeks old on Thursday and so tiny. I feel bad though because he has asthma really bad it seems and I know it has to be because she smoked throughout her pregnancy.
I tried and tried to get her to stop but she would say, "My five year old is just fine and I smoked with her...blah, blah, blah". WTF?? What kind of ass-backwards logic is that?? She should thank her lucky stars that her first kid was fine and not do it with the next.....but too late I guess.
She left and then I had work for a few hours.....I can't believe it's 9 o'clock and I'm ready for bed already. I suck. Damn it. I should stock up on my sleep though, if that is even possible, since Thursday night we are going to meet some of the other SG Pghers at Laga.....yaaaaayyyy. It should be a lot of fun!!!
****UPDATE****Also, after careful consideration, I've decided to start removing those from my friends list that I find to never volunteer comments to my journal. I am not in the business of "collecting names" for a random list and actually want to get to know some people. Very sorry if your name was removed, but I honestly didn't think you would notice....

Anyway, after that I decided to go to the gym. I lost 10 lbs this past week without much effort on my part so this week I decided to throw in exercize too. I went a little over 3 miles on the treadmill.....that's all I had time for before I had to go home, get a shower and meet Casey. I just loooooove her little boy. He's 8 weeks old on Thursday and so tiny. I feel bad though because he has asthma really bad it seems and I know it has to be because she smoked throughout her pregnancy.

She left and then I had work for a few hours.....I can't believe it's 9 o'clock and I'm ready for bed already. I suck. Damn it. I should stock up on my sleep though, if that is even possible, since Thursday night we are going to meet some of the other SG Pghers at Laga.....yaaaaayyyy. It should be a lot of fun!!!

****UPDATE****Also, after careful consideration, I've decided to start removing those from my friends list that I find to never volunteer comments to my journal. I am not in the business of "collecting names" for a random list and actually want to get to know some people. Very sorry if your name was removed, but I honestly didn't think you would notice....

Some may say (and i agree with to an extent) that such a drastic change can not be handled...that you need a lot of little changes like first legalizing it for everyone, then whatever comes next.
Others may say that wasting time on all these little steps is just letting injustice carry on longer than it should.
I think one of my bigger issues i have with this is the fact that these fucking self-righteous Xtian (thats my term for ch***tain because i wont even give them the respect of typing it all out) assholes are putting their institutions (ie:marriage) in our government. . . which, i stand to be corrected, should be seperate.
I guess what it does boil down to is, Yes, the government should not segregate state sponsored endorsements. The representatives in the government are just that. . . .they should represent the crossection of people the represent. By not allowing gays to marry, they're saying that they only represent a portion of their constituants.
This page has some nice fun little insights
I dont beleive in marraige, but if someone wants to be married, they should do that regardless .. . . .but it shouldnt be a legal issue. . .it should be a 'holy' or a 'personal' or a 'spiritual' or etc. thing. All the legal and contractual and tax type stuff associated with the legal forms of marriage should be done away with.
on a much lighter note . . . the new pic you have up is awesome!