Well, I've been outta the Army just over a month.Still having trouble adjusting, I just want a decent date and someone to chill with. My life has been extremely stressful, But I'm optimistic that it will turn around soon. Hit me up if anyone wants to hang out. blackeyed
dude i want to hang out, but you left me here in nc... im glad to hear you are alive and well... the stress will get better, what are you doing over there???

ps. i miss you
Haven't been on here in forever, but I want everyone to know I'm ok. Back in Ohio, just working and having fun. Get ahold of me if you wanna party. Hope to hear back from you.
Shawn skull
Well, my best friend left for Afghanistan today. It really sucked not being able to go with him, but I only have 2 months left in the Army. But, you all keep him in your thoughts. Support the troops who fight for us all. I appreciate all the support I've had since I joined. Well, off to run errands.
always supporting!
(although maybe not quite in the way i'd like to)
your last 2 months are already up, huh?
Got back from leave on Friday, didn't plan on going anywhere but I went to Ohio to see my family. Found out I got cousins moving to North Carolina, so I may be staying longer after all. Near the beach. So I guess the party continues for a little longer unless something even more beautiful than the beach changes my mind.
glad to hear you are back in town safely. ill talk to you this week
So what can I say, been taking it kinda easy since my Winston Salem incident. Been hous sitting all week. But I got paid and this weekend will be great. Give me a holler if you wanna go slams some drinks. Peckman we need to fill the fridge again with those beautiful jello shots. And I'll be making my return to the Bullriding ring again...
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yeah man im always down for a couple/a few/ many drinks. im going on leave on the 3rd so if we dont get together before then we definately will after. talk to you soon
riding bulls?!
ha! i used to do that!
when i was like 16 and 17.
it was nuts. i was around a bull the other day walking in a pasture and i almost just started running when he looked at me.
i think that's the first time i've been that close to one since.
scarry fuckers!
So, I went to Winston-Salem this weekend. My buddy graduated from the school of arts and they threw a big ass party. It was a costume party, I went total 80's punk rock star. Hair in a Mohawk, leather jacket, tall boots, ripped jeans, it was awesome. Went to like 4 parties. By 4 am I fell asleep next to someones house, then crawled to...
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that sounds awesome!
and the car was even running...good car.
brother, you know i would pick you up if you were in alaska. im glad nothing crazy happened! hahaha
Oh my god I have a huge headache and my stomach feels like its rotting. Next time I'll drink more jack and less coke. i think the soda is eating away at my stomach. but hey when you party hard there are prices to pay.
yeah, soda is definately bad for you, so is milk and water i think. hope you feel better bro. where did you and rob end up moving to? if its close enough we might party everynight!
what's up peezo? i'm also recovering from last night's debauchery.
good to hear from you and good luck on that date.
every man needs a little stink on his johnson from time to time.
well i'm back at bragg after leave. anyone who wants to party hit me up. i need to have some fun because leave sucked.
akbar gets death!
i got back to north carolina from iraq on easter. bought a new car.. check the pic. but, i've been going out and enjoying some well deserved drinking. so post a comment and we'll party it up.
sweet ride dude. welcome back!!
love the drop top.
thanks for puttin it out there, man.
wish i lived closer i'd buy you a drink or 10.
Well we are supposed to be headed to Kuwait tomorrow,FINALLY!! After that I get on the plane and head home. Want to give thanks to those who supported me. Continue to support troops, we don't make the decision to come, but do take care of what needs to be done. What would our country do without us? All the support is great. And those oppose...
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Wanna race? I'll eat up that wimpy little rice burner you got there. wink
-Trink eeek
Now go pick up some hos biggrin
Well tomorrow is St Pattys Day! I'm still stuck in Iraq but I am hoping to be home soon. So, anyone that wants to party I'm up for ideas so lets get together and make up with green beer and Irish car bombs for all my lost time. Tell me what you think. ARRR!!! As always a loud scream at Peckman and Bwood. We're almost through!!!
long time no hear!!
glad you guys are doing well.
wish i lived around you guys...i'd buy you a beer or 10.
you get a kiss for being Irish kiss
well it's Valentines Day. to all the ladies I hope it is a good one. Even if you don't have a date it could be worse, you could be stuck in Iraq with hostile foreigners trying to kill you while your girl is back home blowing her exboyfriend who i guess would be her current boyfriend on this joyous day. So, tonight before you go...
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dude, i feel for ya. i hate that whole being at war and having someone at home, thing...i've been there except i was the one at home. things didn't work out.
bummed that your iraq pics folder was empty...love to see some.
take care of yourself.
I'll be waiting for you biggrin