If you missed the Radiohead benefit concert in Hollywood...you can download the live recording tracks
You can also find a video of "Lotus Flower" cross posted from You Tube at
If you haven't already done so... you can donate to the Haiti Relief efforts here @
<a href="http://www.youaintnopicasso.com/2010/01/28/bootleg-radioheads-la-concert-for-haiti/">here</a>Have not heard the recording in its entirety, but it sounds good so far.
You can also find a video of "Lotus Flower" cross posted from You Tube at
<a href="http://www.greenplastic.com/2010/01/25/video-of-new-radiohead-song-lotus-flower/">greenplastic.com</a>Cheers!

If you haven't already done so... you can donate to the Haiti Relief efforts here @
<a href="http://www.oxfamamerica.org/">oxfamamerica.org</a>
oh thanks for the tip! downloading now 

just finished downloading it myself a few minutes ago. I always love their live performances... since they always play the songs differently then they were recorded. & Btw they raised over $500k from that concert
Cheers! to that