Man, it really sucks when you're a hypochondriac and you have no medical insurance. This reminds me of the time that I had a mosquito bite that was driving me nuts because I'd overscratched it and it opened up a little. My girlfriend gave me this Toger Balm like cream to apply overnight that would supposedly numb the pain.
I woke up the following day to find my ankle (where I'd been bitten) about the size of a cantaloupe and pale yellow. I was certain I'd contracted some sort of West Nile flesh-eating bacteria. But without medical insurance, I just said "Wow, this sucks. I hope flesh-eating bacteria goes away on its own. I mean, it has to. Eventually it will run out of flesh to eat."
Fortunately, it just turned out that the ointment was beeswax-based and that I am highly allergic to bees.
But yeah, that's fucked up.
I woke up the following day to find my ankle (where I'd been bitten) about the size of a cantaloupe and pale yellow. I was certain I'd contracted some sort of West Nile flesh-eating bacteria. But without medical insurance, I just said "Wow, this sucks. I hope flesh-eating bacteria goes away on its own. I mean, it has to. Eventually it will run out of flesh to eat."
Fortunately, it just turned out that the ointment was beeswax-based and that I am highly allergic to bees.
But yeah, that's fucked up.