A little kid wanted to buy some candy at work today. No more than 4-years old, she looked up and over the counter with eyes fearful of a stranger in a way only a child could possess. (Or a heroin addict) The mother was handing me a dollar as she coached her daughter to hand me the candy bar to scan in....
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Wow, one helluva day. I confronted my boss about $250 missing from our store's lock drawer today and it turned out he did it! He was late with a car payment and decided to "borrow" the $250 until payday.
I brought up to him that it was short and he said "Oh, uh, yeah. I took it out earlier to make change for the store...
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Rock on! That is one of the greatest feelings on Earth. wink
Good things come to those who don't put up with bullshit...even reading this made me feel better....
Well, give me a congratulations: I finally gave my notice at work. Haha! Zing! Now I can move back into Boston next month (well, technically Malden, but whatever) and I get to go job hunting all over again. If anyone knows any good jobs in Boston involving a) Movies b)Comics or c)I don't know, like, receptionist at a tattoo parlor, please lemme know so I...
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I'd have to say I prefer Li'l Debbie snack cakes over Hostess. Sure, Hostess cakes are good and all, but something never quite jived with me. It seemed like they were always trying to project this image of wholesomeness and quality and home-baked goodness.
But Debbie has no delusions of what she is. She is my sugar whore. She is to provide me with sweet...
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I too prefer eating the goods of "sugar whores" with names rather than titles.

BTW, just saw the 25 anniversary edition of Jaws on DVD. That movie is awesome! Didn't seem the least bit dated. Special effects were great, video quality was great, story and dialogue were great, etc, etc. My favorite line is something to the effect of "Don't give me that self- righteous blue-collar bullshit!"
Yeah, that 25th anniversary transfer was beautiful. Not that I'm super-down with gore or anything, but any transfer that highlights the blood in the water during the Chrissy feeding is fine by me. Also, if the making-of documentary is a little too cookie-cutter for you, I recommend the E! True Hollywood Story on "Jaws". It's much less restrained.
Also, I can't recommend enough the E! True Hoolywood Story on Corey Haim. Bloody brilliant!
OK, the question of the day: Which would you rather be: one of Darth Vader's admirals, or a drummer for Spinal Tap? Let's look at the pros and cons before you decide.
Darth Vader's Admiral:
-Quick promotion
-Unlimited command of a Star Destroyer
-Access to executive Death Star restroom
-Strip-searching Princess Leia
-Using "rebel scum" as target practice
-Imminent death by Sith chokehold...
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Holy shit it is as hot as a crotch outside. Have you noticed that dogs and cats never get frizzy hair? Are the oils they naturally secrete some sort of super-conditioner? If so, why is this super-conditioner not in my bathroom?
If anyone out there is looking for a good read, I can't recommend this book "My First Film" highly enough. I believe the kids...
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Sounds like a good book, I think I'll check it out at some point.

So anyways... you're from Boston huh? I live about an hour north, going to UNH... I was getting worried there were any boston sg'ers around... but apparently there are! You should check out the hookup boards... there's a thread for bostonites... maybe if there are enough people we could all get together for a show sometime ^_^

By the way, that pasta does sound rockin'
Well, I left work early today. Said I wasn't feeling well. Which isn't exactly untrue. I mean, I didn't say I was "physically sick". I was just sick of hearing about "add-ons" and "numbers" and every fucking clipboard in the store having a corporate-assigned name in a cut acronym that we need to know by heart.
On the plus-side o' that, it did get me...
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Wow, someone's said "Fuck you" to me twice this weekend. Yesterday's was from that brash li'l Jr. Lenny Bruce, and today's was from a poor sap I was trying to help.
As I was pulling into the mall I work at I was at a red light. I noticed the pick-up truck in the lane to my left had an almost completely flat tire. So...
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Are you still thinking about that indie film?
OK, first thing first: I am not a fan of censorship. I own't go into a rant about how wrong it is because I'll bet 99% of you would agree and the only thing that bugs me more than censorship is people going on like a broken record about it.
With that said, I work in a retail video store. I don't sell R-rated movies...
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i'd just like to say...YOU RULE! good move on that deactivating her atm card.
Sometimes the only thing that makes retail jobs redeemable is the great stories we get to tell about them later.
OK, y'know: FUCK THIS!! Damn! I'm sick of doing the retail-to-retail job-hopping two-step. I think I'm gonna do something else. If anyone lives in NE Massachusetts and has any interest in doing an indie flick with me, e-mail me. No experience is preferable because I have no college education and don't want someone there who knows more than me. (Eh, at least I'm honest) Well,...
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Is there anyone else out there stuck in retail hell? I'm just curious. Is it best to stick it out or look for something completely new? I mean, sticking it out is good job security in a fairly easy field only you get brainwashed by corporate, which I swore I'd never do. Also, what the fuck else is there to do when you have no...
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Fuck corporate!
Where North o' Boston are you?
Do you work in a mall?
Yeah, I'm always freaked out by older people in retail. I mean, as much as you try and resist, you feel a little brainwashed after a year or so. But these poor bastards must be like strapped into the rehabilitation chair from "Clockwork Orange". Poor bastards.