Siento estar tan ausente por aqu, pero ltimamente mi vida est girando y cambiando muy deprisa. Tengo ganas de hacer fotos y subir cosas, pero primero hay que amueblar bien las cosas por aqu, en mi cabeza.
I'm sorry if I'm not around here, but last weeks are changing and spinning my life so fastly. I want to make a lot of photos, upload new ones on Sg and much more, but first I have to do some things and "tidy" my mind

I'm sorry if I'm not around here, but last weeks are changing and spinning my life so fastly. I want to make a lot of photos, upload new ones on Sg and much more, but first I have to do some things and "tidy" my mind


no se si venden muebles de cabeza en ikea, prueba. un beso