hey lovers
in a slightly tight spot and would appreciate any support and motivation getting me through this time.
i will be living in a womens safe house on April 1st due to my sons father stalking me in the city i live in.
I am unsure if i will have internet acess but you can pm me for my personal contact info
kik, skype phone number ect.
unfortunetly untill then i will be having to afford a hotel which we all know is not cheap
any help is appreciated from my son and myself.
Keeping my head high and trooping through the bullshit.
dismantleme__@hotmail.com is the email attached to my paypal if you are able to help.
much love to all my SG people
in a slightly tight spot and would appreciate any support and motivation getting me through this time.
i will be living in a womens safe house on April 1st due to my sons father stalking me in the city i live in.
I am unsure if i will have internet acess but you can pm me for my personal contact info
kik, skype phone number ect.
unfortunetly untill then i will be having to afford a hotel which we all know is not cheap
any help is appreciated from my son and myself.
Keeping my head high and trooping through the bullshit.
dismantleme__@hotmail.com is the email attached to my paypal if you are able to help.
much love to all my SG people
hope all is well
Hope things get better for ya girl...