I am damn proud to be a fucking man that absolutely loves women!!!!!!!!!!!! Yo I love Women to fucking death!!!!!!!!! That is a major understatement!!!! I absolutely love women with all my damn heart!!!!!!!! Naturally I love women and their breasts!!!!! Don't matter how big or small I love all Breasts!!!!!! Las tetas son muy hermosas!!!!! All breasts are fucking beautiful, breathtaking and gorgeus!!!!!! It...
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Here is my social media shit!! :D Hit me up chiquitas!!! :D :D :D
Instagram: pedroperezochoa
Twitter: @pdog006
Snapchat: pdogg06
Mujeres are sexy as fuck to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D I love women to death!!!!!! They are really beautiful, nurturing, and sensual as well. Sometimes chicas are extremely emotional and can drive me crazy but I will always love and respect women no matter what. I am truly addicted to mujeres and I am happy about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope all the beautiful chicas out there,...
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Happy Memorial Day and thank you to all you badass men and women that served and continue to serve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your are greatly appreciated and RIP to all those men and women that paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. You will not be forgotten, gracias!!!!
Pardon the Late post but hope all you mamacitas out there, current and future madres had a badass and excelente Dia de Las Madres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I really like how everyone on the planet is very different!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shit would suck so bad and life you have no meaning if we were all the same. Different is very good! Its great having different points of view and our own ideas and beliefs, that is what makes us so unique and special!! :D I really cannot stand people that are intolerant!!!! We all...
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I love to travel!!!!!!!! If I could I would just travel all the time instead of work. To me traveling is a great opportunity to not only have a great time but learn about a new spot, the way of life and culture of the new place that I visit. It is so badass to see more of the country and the world and not...
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Working hard and playing harder to me is more than just a saying. Its a way of life!!! I work very hard at my job, do my best, and never give up!!!!!! I work so damn hard so that when i get paid I get to truly enjoy the fruits of my labor. Working very hard and paying my dues at the moment, currently work...
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