well once again the army is going to try to ruin one of my perfect weekends.
my boss is having a mandatory party on the 20th because he is leaving, which i guess is ok but why on my weekend. so me and some boys decided it would be great to get everyone roudy. so im making about 1000 jello shots and we are getting a big block of ice to do ice shots and bring a few kegs of beer. we are going to ruin his house because he is ruining our weekend.
will cover every inch of his domain!! anyway, if there are any wild ladies around fayetteville that want to come and livin in up please let me know. if no one gets back to me its ok cause i got a few escort services bookmarked in the phonebook!!!

how everyone should kiss themselves in their mirrors while taking a picture and then post it on the intershizzle?
that sounds fucking classic.