Muchsimas gracias por tus palabras, me pongo colorada asdeputas bien, el laburo bien y con el estudio me tengo que poner un poco las pilas lo que no anda muy bien es la salud en la familia, mi to est muy enfermo
It's weird like sometimes, something that seems bad, sudenly, becomes a gift for you.
Recently, I lost my job (on a dirty, mean and really disgusting way) and it was feeling really bad at first, but now, I find another job (more money than the last one and better work-time) and I have time to learn all the thing I always want: Sing Languaje (II... Read More
me pone contenta saber q si existe la transmision de energa a travs del oceano!....yo lo tengo confirmado!
mujer sos maravillosa, gracias por siempre encanta leerte