Lowlands sucked monkey ass for me.
I ended up leaving early because the boy chose to break up with me on Sunday morning......
I don't want to go into detail right now because it's too difficult but it was nasty.
Life sucks bigtime.
Never go camping, it'll kill the relationship.
Trust me.
I ended up leaving early because the boy chose to break up with me on Sunday morning......
I don't want to go into detail right now because it's too difficult but it was nasty.
Life sucks bigtime.
Never go camping, it'll kill the relationship.
Trust me.
liefje... ik vind het ezwaar kut voor je man!!!! Niet leuk.. woensdag komt sjaneet misschien naar dordt.. anders kom je ff mee, gezellug.. FF weg..
no babe, dont say such things. you are beautiful inside and outside, so i bet its gonna pass.