How many true friends does one encounter in life? Not that many huh. I mean, the friends who help you when you're sick, talk and listen when you're down, party with you when you're up, give you a hug without you asking for it, give you that encouragement or kick in the butt when you need it, feed you when you're hungry, love you even when you haven't spoken to eachother in a while, don't complain when you can't come to visit today because they know you care anyways, who stand by your side when your ex boyfriend tells the world the worst things about you and they don't care because they know the truth and know better than that, hold your hair out of your face when you have to puke, are comfortable enough to not stop a conversation when you have to go to the bathroom and that would involve them having to at least hear you pee, don't feel rejected when you tell them you're meeting up with one of your other friends, who make you feel welcome in their home as if it were your own home, who can sleep beside you without attempted gropes or awkward giggling n shit, who are just as happy with your homecooked meals as they are with expensive gifts, who actually return your phonecalls, are mature enough to talk sex and love and happy and sad and depressed and heavy and light, who watch movies with you cuddled together under a blanket, who love you no matter what...
I love my few friends and I let them know every chance I get. Don't put off telling people how you feel.
Sent in a new set today... scary
I love my few friends and I let them know every chance I get. Don't put off telling people how you feel.
Sent in a new set today... scary

I hope they aprove your set I am very curious!
[Edited on Feb 07, 2006 8:56PM]
Edit: I don't know about the not groping part though. You are still too luscious for your own good you know.
[Edited on Feb 08, 2006 10:26PM]