Casting call in Austin Texas for SGs!! Umm ok I have a wedding to attend to being the maid of honor and shit but ummm.... I def gotta go to that!!! LMAO I guess my friend is just gonna have to say bye bye to me early! SHIZ!

Unlike other leaders who seem to not want to waste their time doing paperwork, i dont mind it. If you are wrong, im gonna let you know. Im so sick of the attitude the civilian employees have that work for the military. It takes an act of congress to fire them so they come in late, they have shitty attitudes and could care less because most people dont want to take the time to fire their asses. Im not ok with it. If you suck at life civilian or service member i will make it a point to let you know. If you dont wanna shape up then i want you out of the military system. Go flip burgers if you cant handle simple instructions.
Well getting rid of employees , is a pain out here too. It is always employment at will but it is a pain to terminate! Makes no sense! Employment should not be a democracy . I would shit can have of my staff ,if I could .