No semi naked pics for me today. Haha Just thinking of some of the people on here. I get the nudity and obivously like it. Some pictures are legit art and are photographed beautifully. I myself find it hard to post anything that i dont love. Im my own worst judge. But seriously sometimes i come on here to see blogs only to find some trashy ass shit. I mean why is it that the bondage pics i see on here are more artistic then the self-proclaimed art? Guys will love to stare at your vagina and say oh youre beautiful. But seriously its not art, or beautiful. It is porn. If you wanted to make porn then by all means go ahead. More power to you. But please lets not fool ourselves with bs titles that simply arent fitting the bill. Youre pictures should not scream oh fuck me now, im a slut. My opinion. Youre entitled to yours. But hey lucky for me i now know who to ignore 

That is interesting