Things didn't go as planned yesterday. I went to my appt and the bastards fucked me over and didn't really honor the appt. This is the fucked up part everyone always tells you that you should be sure that you want something tattooed on your body before you get it. Let know one persuade you into getting something you don't want. Hmm yeah that's pretty much what they wanted to do. I supplied the design and they wanted to alter it and when I didn't answer their calls (BECAUSE I WAS AT THE MALL & did not have MY HOUSE PHONE ON ME) they said to hell with me and they didn't want to settle for drawing what I WANTED to begin with. FUCK THEM. I found another place and the 200-300 dollars I would have spent on one shop I will just have to spend somewhere else. FUCK Tystedimagez. NEVER GOING TO THAT SHIT HOLE AGAIN!!!! Whatever I went shopping and NEED TO STOP. I BOUGHT SOOOO MUCH CRAP AND MAKEUP!!!! I want my tattoo 

Thanks so much for the help. Im kinda discouraged now. I'm not used to bullshit like this. I hate this fuckingt state. While I was in Germany they took appts pretty serious. In atl things were easy as far as walkins. And in Texas there were tattoo shops everywhere. This shit is for the birds. I might just wait til i go to Texas for a visit.
yeah get a job hippies!!!