Hey everyone! Thanks for the emails, the compliments and support in the things i bitch bout. Im really not here to bitch. I just dont like hypocrites and people who try to be cliqueish. Why? Cause when i was young and stupid i was a bitch. Then i left high school and finally had the "balls" to stand up for the little people. People may say looks arent important but they get you pretty damn far. And you should def use what you have to help others. Reel in the others that people wouldnt normally give a chance to because they are too stupid to figure out that others are worth it, i feel like you gotta start somewhere, because if the pretty girls/hot guy give the "freak" a chance then maybe you can change the high school mentality that the "pretty" person has. Its not bout changing the person who is different in the least, its bout showing others not to be so fucken close minded, cause that "different" person probably has something of value to share that you are missing out on. Unless you worship the devil. Then youre fucking stupid. My opinion, my blog so fuck off if you dont like it. Im not a bible thumper in a way shape or form but i believe, and even then bible thumpers are good people too. Just dont force your beliefs on me. But if you tell me you are into evil crazy shit, then im gonna tell you to fuck off and seek help. Why? Because its my right. Im not gonna tell you to believe in my God, just that your dumb and go on my merry way. Til later peeps, ciao bellos!

hello! thank you very much for the friend request! we are in touch, Regards

Totally correct about giving people that are "different" a chance, the world would be better place if we could find some middle ground with each other. Also, you should be able to "bitch" all you want, it's your blog