So I see that I have developed something on this damn site. My own personal diary... well sorta. Let's see I hear from the soon to be ex husband yesterday and the only feeling I got was utter and complete rage. Ugh I can't stand to hear from him cause I want to stab him in the eye. Whatever other than that I feel better EVERY DAY. My little sis is here with me for at least a few months. And it's nice to have someone that I don't have to pretend around... sorta. Not to mention I have someone from the real world and not just the military here. It's diff and difficult to talk to someone that is not military cause half the time it takes longer to explain terms, than to tell the story. But hey it's alright. Off this whole week and I couldn't be happier. Having to go to work gets worse and worse everyday. Pregnancy is NOT beautiful to me. AND dealing with pregnant patients is FUCKING annoying. SOMETIMES I feel like saying SHUT THE FUCK UP... the fucken caveman didn't see OBGYN peeps, soooooo calm your ass down. What the fuck ever. Really want to go see my old homie Tommy. Fucken hottie pants. Timing is FINALLY right lol... GA is soooooooo far though. We shall see. TTYL FILL UP MY INBOX 

I've been there sweetie hang in there. Things are always darkness before the dawn.