Ok first round of people are gone....I feel much better.
I am not a good person to talk to right now. I have so much going on in my head that I can't really think straight and I have to focus on work.
To all I have made mad or sad, I am sorry. Wasn't my intention. Have a good weekend.
I think I just...
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I am not a good person to talk to right now. I have so much going on in my head that I can't really think straight and I have to focus on work.
To all I have made mad or sad, I am sorry. Wasn't my intention. Have a good weekend.
I think I just...
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People suck ass.....enough said.
If you want to remain on my friend's list...tell me. Other wise when this week is over with...you all are getting deleted.
I was going to write a long entry about what I was feeling. I decided not to. It isn't worth it. I just hope you all have a good week.
No matter if I am being a bitch...
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If you want to remain on my friend's list...tell me. Other wise when this week is over with...you all are getting deleted.
I was going to write a long entry about what I was feeling. I decided not to. It isn't worth it. I just hope you all have a good week.
No matter if I am being a bitch...
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That was the loveliest thing you wrote in my journal.
thank you
thank you

I just testimonialisated you again - that's $20 you owe me

Here is a song that I can't get out of my head lately. It is "Only One" by Yellowcard.
Broken this fragile thing now
And I can't, I can't pick up the pieces
And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason
I feel so broken up (so broken up)
And I give up (I give up)
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Broken this fragile thing now
And I can't, I can't pick up the pieces
And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason
I feel so broken up (so broken up)
And I give up (I give up)
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Btw, I like your current profile pic. Have I said that previously? Hmm, well... anyhow, I hope things are going better for you today then they have been. I know, after talking to you, and seeing some of your posts, that the kids can get you down!
Btw, I like your current profile pic. Have I said that previously? Hmm, well... anyhow, I hope things are going better for you today then they have been. I know, after talking to you, and seeing some of your posts, that the kids can get you down!
Thanks for all your truths...that was great.
Things are absolutely beautiful right now, except that I have been working my ass off. No fun time.
Anyway I will have a proper update next time. I am just so squeazed for time right now.
Have a great weekend everyone
Much love
Things are absolutely beautiful right now, except that I have been working my ass off. No fun time.
Anyway I will have a proper update next time. I am just so squeazed for time right now.
Have a great weekend everyone

Thank you for your comments on my set, sweet one.


Everyone needs to fucking tell me the truth about shit because if you don't, I will get really mad.

And how are you this evening petal?

For you i'm noe in an Exclusive relationshp babe
Love you more than ever! Have a great sleep and i'll talk to you later

Ok so it is the weekend....Nothing to update really. Just staying home because gas is almost $4.00. What the hell is up with that?
So I am protesting to not get gas right now. Which means that I am going to be staying home all weekend long, until Tuesday when I have a few things to do.
So leave me messages and I will get...
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So I am protesting to not get gas right now. Which means that I am going to be staying home all weekend long, until Tuesday when I have a few things to do.
So leave me messages and I will get...
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they are all cute
sweet dreams

sweet dreams

but that's the cutest

Ok since I have been given a lot of love and respect by people lately this is a big hug and kiss back out to you.
Now I am sure that most of you have seen the horrible pictures and/or videos of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Well there was a video that I watched and it made me cry like a baby to see...
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Now I am sure that most of you have seen the horrible pictures and/or videos of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Well there was a video that I watched and it made me cry like a baby to see...
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yes you may.. but i'd hope you only had eyes for me
i think i may have to sleep now sweetie... if only to dream of you
i'll comment you when i'm up tomorrow/later today
sweet dreams

i think i may have to sleep now sweetie... if only to dream of you

i'll comment you when i'm up tomorrow/later today
sweet dreams

hello gorgeous
you might want to be checking other places i could leave comments for you today

you might want to be checking other places i could leave comments for you today

Wow it was a long and fun night. I hope you all had as much fun as I did this weekend.
Tell me about your fun, maybe I will tell you about mine
Much love to everyone
P.S. You all NEED to buy the SUICIDE GIRLS DVD!!!!
If fucking rocks
Tell me about your fun, maybe I will tell you about mine

Much love to everyone

P.S. You all NEED to buy the SUICIDE GIRLS DVD!!!!
If fucking rocks

i'm going to be in my garage for a while tonight, but i'll be on line before you have to go to work hun

i'll try.. but without regular comments from you.. i'm not so sure

WooHoo I finally got the Suicide Girls First tour on DVD yesterday!!
Yeah it is awesome and you all need to invest your money and buy it. Stormy, Tegan and Pearl are just hot
Pearl and her hola-hoop skills blow me away. The music is great as well. I could watch it all day. I wish now they wouldn't have cancelled the show in...
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Yeah it is awesome and you all need to invest your money and buy it. Stormy, Tegan and Pearl are just hot

Pearl and her hola-hoop skills blow me away. The music is great as well. I could watch it all day. I wish now they wouldn't have cancelled the show in...
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100.. oh yeah baby i'm there.. you were incredible

I just had to type this because it is my favorite poem and I have been reading some lately.......
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments; love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O, no, it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the...
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Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments; love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O, no, it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the...
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hey no way do i want you to leave
i'm up for chatting for as long as you want to chat (or until my flatmate gets back and wants her computer)
the dvds can be watched anytime (until 10pm tomorrow at least) which is more than can be said about my computer time at the moment.... so you are number one priority

the dvds can be watched anytime (until 10pm tomorrow at least) which is more than can be said about my computer time at the moment.... so you are number one priority

awwwww..! there's nothing sweeter than being squeezed tight by a girl who can't hack their scary movies
i love it.... but now when i finally do get to watch the ring you know what i'm gonna be wishing
well revel in it my sweets cos tonight you are no 1

well revel in it my sweets cos tonight you are no 1

3 days into the 6 day work week! good luck!
Well, until a few years back... I just stick to my Maryland Terps! TESTUDO!
I understood how shitty you must've felt. I just, dunno, think you should feel proud of your profession, but change it if it's too nervewracking and sad.