Well I don't have any photos...I really need to work on getting some pictures in my journal again. That just means that I need to take some.
Well I had a really good, low-key weekend. I really love those. I didn't end up getting called by work to work some extra. Finally all the kids are feeling better in the area and not coming into the hospital. About damn time
Well I got drunk on Friday and went to a bbq with some friends. It was fun and I had some great food
Then I went out with my friend Irene around old town Lansing. I had no idea how great it is down there. The shops are plenty of fun and they were having a jazz festivel this weekend, so that was added fun
Then I got called by work that I didn't have to work because we didn't have enough kids for the staff scheduled!!!
How fabulous is that? I was dancing around and acting like a fool. I needed more than 3 days off in a row. Work has gotten me feeling sick and so tired. It is really stressful, why did I choose the profession again?
Oh and could you keep a sweet boy in your thoughts. He did go into remission after having two different types of cancers. Well he relapsed this last week. I love this boy to death, I have never had a little boy just grab my hand and want to talk to me. He is just very special and so sweet, especially from the background he came from. I Love You Darrell
You will beat this and if you don't, you will always be in my heart
Have a safe and happy week everyone. And to the few that I get to spend this next weekend with, can't wait to see you all again. Much love

Well I had a really good, low-key weekend. I really love those. I didn't end up getting called by work to work some extra. Finally all the kids are feeling better in the area and not coming into the hospital. About damn time

Well I got drunk on Friday and went to a bbq with some friends. It was fun and I had some great food

Then I got called by work that I didn't have to work because we didn't have enough kids for the staff scheduled!!!

Oh and could you keep a sweet boy in your thoughts. He did go into remission after having two different types of cancers. Well he relapsed this last week. I love this boy to death, I have never had a little boy just grab my hand and want to talk to me. He is just very special and so sweet, especially from the background he came from. I Love You Darrell

Have a safe and happy week everyone. And to the few that I get to spend this next weekend with, can't wait to see you all again. Much love

a little more assertive, and a lot fiercer