smile Hi y'all. I've watched the world of SG over the shoulder of my wifey. Decided it was time to venture out on my own. whatever
Thank you for the kindness of words and shared goodpain, soul rain, and glowshine. I am honored to welcome a more intimate interaction with your spirit. To Friends! *raises a sherry sweet honey glass in toast*
Teehee!! I did guess that you were Blume's wonderful boy. It's very nice to make your acquiantance. *big hug*

Thank you for your very wonderful words and shared thought introspection, when I get all "gah and bleah". I'm so lucky to have met such absolutely amazing people through these digital streams and data dreams. blush

Please give Blume huggles for me and tell her that I'm a very bad girl for not responding to her email. (I've been quite anti-social both on and off'line over the last couple of weeks, but look out cause I'm feelin' fine and frisky once more!) All four of us (me + sol and U + Blume) should hook-up for a bottle of wine or decadent deserts and coffee soonly. What say?