SPOILERS! (Click to view)
life is a weird, weird mindtrip. let me tell you.
today has been a shitty day, all'round. i woke
up to my dad telling me i was a dumbass and
that im a failure. AWESOME!
know what? im going to prove them all wrong,
im going to get As and Bs this semester, im going
to work my ass off and get a job of some sort..i
want to make everyone happy in my life and thats
just wearing me out. i need to make me happy.
joy is a short lived experience with me. today i looked
at dempseys myspace and broke down. im competely
heartbroken. i dont get why he ignored me ALL OF A
SUDDEN. it ASTOUNDS me to the Nth degree...
im done with internet guys, i really am. im going to
focus on school, and hope that i meet someone great
this semester. if not, i always have my friends...
donate (pwease!):
$45 and some change. yay!! i want this
camera so much i can taste it. i know people
have good hearts and want to contribute, thats
what makes me happy at the end of the day...: people that care
paypal: deadxgirlsxkiss [at] gmail [dot] com
my work: linky

much love. fanks.
weird huh
get it...meow.