Its a blizzard warning in effect for today. My boss called this morning said if i wanted to stay home i could. There's supposed to be 12 inches or more of snow on the ground by tomorrow. I have to walk two or three blocks to get to the bus stop and I'm so bored I am thinking about gonig to work despite the drifting snow and sidewalks that haven't been cleared, despite the fact I walk on crutches, despite the fact I don't have boots or winter shoes; I wear chuck taylors. god I hate being quiet all day long. I'm mixed about going to work I don't want to go out in the cold but I don't have anything else better to do, and it could of been cancelled anyways.

There is this thing call the computer and the internet. . . let them entertain you. Just think how many times I was at work playing on SG all day because I was bored at work.

I'm not a huge fan of snow. But atleast you got a day off in the middle of the week. I hope you took advantage of it and enjoyed it.