I am so confused. I need a better job I canot get that job without a better education or more experience. I got no experience or skills so I need a better education. But I just do not know what I want to do or if I should even try to go back to college again. I was hurt and lied to the first time. Lied that I would get a good job, lied that I would make good money. It all turned out to be false. And I just cannot decide on what to do again. I must make a decent amount of money to survive. It's going to be very difficult to live alone making 8 dollars an hour so I have to make more. I cannot make more without more experience or more skills. So I guess I must go back to college. I Just don't know what to study. I love nothing. I want to do nothing. I just want to be able to live on my own and not in poverty
I hear you there, I am looking for things that allow me to psuedo live off the system, teaching etc. I like to write I don't find it a chore, so I am going to try to be an English Prof.