Listen, hear me out.I have no skills. I admit it. My ability to do anything that would help me be employed is non-existant. I went to college, and I learned how to do nothing. While on that subject I read that my college's has a three step goal. It is.
1. Discovery
2. Learning
3. Engagement
None of that happened at college. A friend told me tonight that 'college is merely an extension of high school.' Those words couldn't be any truer. You pay thousands of dollars to learn nothing of significance or importance, or how to do anything, and they call it an education. By the time you get out if you did manage to learn anything, most of it is forgotten very quickly afterwards. While we are on that thought.
I need to come up with a multi year plan on what I am going to do with my life. I definately need a new job and better paying. But since college was useless, and I learned nothing, and since I got a liberal arts education, my chances getting hired at any real job (whatever a real job is anyways,) are non existant. So that means a job at barnes and noble, and any town that has a barnes and noble has to be better than this town because we don't got one. Moving on.
I need to move to out. To a big city, where I can be alone and have no friends, and I can do tings on my own. Simple, because I don't know anyone in any big city anywhere. After moving I need a job that pays enough to live there. Simple if barnes and noble pays enough for a 250-700 a month apartment.
I need to keep my new job just barely long enough to get a higher paying job. But only the type of mcjob someone with no skills can get. Say I can get a job first as a sales associate at a barnes and noble, or putting stuff on the shelves, then after working that for awhile I can quit and become like an assistant to a hamburger flipper at a burger king or what not.
After I do that for awhile I need to lapse into a momentary insanity and probably consider going back to school for a brief period of time. Brief enough to get any skills that won't go out of date and trust me they will go out of date fairly fast, and not long enough to incur more debt.
All of this is part of my plan for my future.
1. Save enough money to move out.
2. aquire a license and a car
3. move out somewhere not indiana and not midwest
4. get an apartment ghetto enough so i can afford to live alone, no so ghetto that i don't get jacked or robbed
5. obtain dead end job only to employ me long enough to get another dead end job repeat cycle month after month or year after year.
6. While doing five get more education and while doing that not incur any more debt.
7. learn some useful skill before it gets outdated just for the sake of it.
8. get better dead end job paying more.
9. continute the cycle of dead end job after dead end job and going back to school in cycles.
10. Save up more money, continue to live alone, retire in comfort to pursue my real hobbies.
1. Discovery
2. Learning
3. Engagement
None of that happened at college. A friend told me tonight that 'college is merely an extension of high school.' Those words couldn't be any truer. You pay thousands of dollars to learn nothing of significance or importance, or how to do anything, and they call it an education. By the time you get out if you did manage to learn anything, most of it is forgotten very quickly afterwards. While we are on that thought.
I need to come up with a multi year plan on what I am going to do with my life. I definately need a new job and better paying. But since college was useless, and I learned nothing, and since I got a liberal arts education, my chances getting hired at any real job (whatever a real job is anyways,) are non existant. So that means a job at barnes and noble, and any town that has a barnes and noble has to be better than this town because we don't got one. Moving on.
I need to move to out. To a big city, where I can be alone and have no friends, and I can do tings on my own. Simple, because I don't know anyone in any big city anywhere. After moving I need a job that pays enough to live there. Simple if barnes and noble pays enough for a 250-700 a month apartment.
I need to keep my new job just barely long enough to get a higher paying job. But only the type of mcjob someone with no skills can get. Say I can get a job first as a sales associate at a barnes and noble, or putting stuff on the shelves, then after working that for awhile I can quit and become like an assistant to a hamburger flipper at a burger king or what not.
After I do that for awhile I need to lapse into a momentary insanity and probably consider going back to school for a brief period of time. Brief enough to get any skills that won't go out of date and trust me they will go out of date fairly fast, and not long enough to incur more debt.
All of this is part of my plan for my future.
1. Save enough money to move out.
2. aquire a license and a car
3. move out somewhere not indiana and not midwest
4. get an apartment ghetto enough so i can afford to live alone, no so ghetto that i don't get jacked or robbed
5. obtain dead end job only to employ me long enough to get another dead end job repeat cycle month after month or year after year.
6. While doing five get more education and while doing that not incur any more debt.
7. learn some useful skill before it gets outdated just for the sake of it.
8. get better dead end job paying more.
9. continute the cycle of dead end job after dead end job and going back to school in cycles.
10. Save up more money, continue to live alone, retire in comfort to pursue my real hobbies.
of course this plan is tenative
yes skillz are your friend!