Ah so 1 day left of vacation. What shall I do nothing? I notice how greatly privledged people are who live outside of indiana and who are members of this site. They have stuff to do, friends to do it with, digital cameras to take pictures of their fun, festivals to go to, concerts to attend, friends to visit, visting friends. I think living in indiana highly hampers all of that for me. However I do not think moving will help any of that either. To date it has been 1 1/2 years since I've actively been involved in doing something. I used to ride 10 miles a day on my bike, can't do that no more, this is a very very unfriendly bicyling town and it's a shitty town and has nothing to see. I used to go to coffee shops daily and read the news, a book, enjoy earl gray tea. Not anymore no coffee shops in town. I used to go to book stores, cd stores, and comic shops. Not anymore none of that here. I think I'm going to dedicated a future journal entry to several aspects of small town indiana i hate, and trust me indiana is all small towns. They will include.
a) commentary on things to do
b) commentary on jobs
c) commentary on the locals
d) commentary on the difference between different small indiana towns
e) commentary on why I should move
a) commentary on things to do
b) commentary on jobs
c) commentary on the locals
d) commentary on the difference between different small indiana towns
e) commentary on why I should move
an indiana-hatred-themed essay? badass. I'll do one two to add on to yours afterwards.