You know what I love?

That no matter how bad a day I have, no matter how depressed, pissed off, or otherwise soured I may be, all of that seems to disappear like fog when the sun comes out when I pick up my horn.

Yeah, yesterday fucking sucked. Not sure why, it just did. Lessons where great, a couple of my favorite (yeah, I...
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For the love of god and all that is holy, please, people, stop tucking T-shirts into sweat pants.
Yeah, and no more socks with the sandals either!!! mad

Nice pictures in your last blog, BTW. Those 5/4 contras are monstrous!!! eeek
Star Wars, dude.
Ahhhhhh back from LA. I love it down there.

The band did well, put on their best show all year. They went up against some REALLY good schools. So, I'm proud of them. Good stuff. And, I got a great picture of my high school private studio, which I really had no idea how many there were until they were all in one place. 12...
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Ahhhh finally feeling good enough to work again. Just in time, too. I leave for LA either tomorrow evening or early Friday morning. I'd be pissed if I was sick while down there.

Oddly enough, the last few days have been exactly what I needed. I break. For too long I have been running my ass off, trying to finish up my old place so...
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I like your profile lots. Fun stuff.
It's been at least 2 years since I last missed work out of being sick. Not that I never get sick, I just normally work right through it, with a little help from my friends DayQuil, Sudafed, and Theraflue.

But, here I am, noon on a Monday, and while normally I would be getting ready to go teach in about an hour, today shall be...
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Still sick. This fucking sucks. I REALLY hate being sick.

Not so much because I feel like shit, but because a whole day is ruined and wasted. I really can't stand not doing anything. Something about sitting down for an entire day and doing nothing but watching tv and screwing around on the old inter-web just depresses the living shit out of me.
Sorry you're under the weather. frown I totally understand the boredom of doing nothing. When I got out of the hospital a couple years ago and was home for nearly two months, I thought I would go positively MAD!!! Hope your Netflix queue is rarin' to go. Movies are a salvation when you're sick.....

Hey, how did your "Star Wars" concert go?


Green Tea with honey and lemon juice
Chloraseptic Lozenges
Vitamin C

If that doesn't work... well... I don't know. It better. Or this competition is going to suck.

try theraflu if you can get it. its a fever reducing hot medication you mix it in hot water it works great tastes like crap
heres the bands my space site http://www.myspace.com/theflamingsideburns they are out of finland the lead singer is argentina i heard them on little stevins under ground garge
Holy shit!

So I moved a few weeks ago (bad situation, blah blah blah, had to move right away, blah blah blah, kick everyone out and set up the place as a rental, blah blah blah...) so I had to cancel all the utilities. The final bill for PG&E came in, and as I'm ready to mail it, another piece comes from PG&E, saying my...
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"Whither goest thou, America, in thy shiny car in the night?"