Why is it every damn time I get a day off it rains? This would have been a perfect day to go riding, or at least for a walk up the hill. But noooooooo. I get to sit on my arse cruising the inter-webs sipping tea and listening to a mixture of Pandora and the neighbors dogs barking themselves stupid. At... Read More
Wow, what a day. I decided that, even though it was cold as hell, I would give it a go and go to the top. So, at 8:00ish this morning I left the house and drove up and over Quimby Road to Grant Ranch Park where I parked and got on the bike. From there I jumped onto Mt. Hamilton Road and started the ascent.... Read More
Damnit. Got up at 7:00am today, thinking it's a great day for a morning ride. Go downstairs to get breakfast, and lookie here! It's raining! God Damnit!
So, here I sit, sipping English Breakfast Tea and chillin'.
In other news, the Amgen Tour of California rolls into good ole' San Jose tomorrow. That should be exciting. Just have to decide if I want to wake... Read More
Such a fine day, I think I need to be outside. It's one of only a few days off I get in the next 5 weeks. ("Off" meaning only 2 lessons to teach this evening... I don't really get complete days off all that often) The weather thing on my desktop says it should get up to around 70 today. Damn near comfy bike ride... Read More
Finally some good news regarding the mountain bike. After over a year of slowly replacing broken and older parts, it looks like an end is finally in sight.
Long story short, I broke several parts, as well as my right hand, up at Downieville a couple summers ago. I could still ride the bike, but it was frustrating not being able to ride as hard... Read More
Hell week is over! And boy did it end with a bang. The concert last night was great. There were some minor issues here and there, but overall it was fantastic. Appalachian Spring was very nice, and the last piece, Danzon, was amazing. Really a great night.
And I got my part for Mahler's Symphony No 3! Man I can't wait...
Congratulations on the "good bone structure" prize with your private students. That's fantastic! Does this mean they get to pay you double now? You know, kind of like when someone in Hollywood wins an Oscar and then they get to demand millions for their next film.
Yeah, millions sounds good to me. I think they'll go for it.
So, I just realized my week from hell is a bit longer than I expected.
Let's see:
Monday: Symphony #1 rehearsal in Los Gatos.
Tuesday: Symphony #3 rehearsal in San Mateo
Wednesday: Symphony #2 rehearsal in Redwood City
Thursday: Trombone ensemble rehearsal in Santa Clara
Friday: Symphony #2 Dress rehearsal in Redwood City
Saturday: Symphony #2 Concert in Redwood City
Later Saturday night: Sisters birthday... Read More
Today always reminds me of one of my favorite professors in college, my good 'ole music theory prof. Each year he would say the best thing to do on this wonderful day is to sit down to watch the game with a bottle of wine and a book of Beethoven scores. (Or other composers, each year it was someone... Read More
I watch the Super Bowl mostly for the commercials (which are usually creative and funny, right?) Uh, nope! Not this year. And Tom Petty for half time? Bohhhhh-ring! I think you're definitely on the right track with a little vino and a Beethoven score. There's more creativity in 16 bars of Beethoven than in the five endless hours of game coverage.
Now starts the test. The test of just how much I can handle.
The private studio is blowing up, I'm up to 21 students, with two more in the wings, and I've been asked for info by yet another. So, I'm teaching six days a week and starting to run out of room for even that
Plus, I will be subbing for the principle spot... Read More