Today, 10:00am: Dress rehearsal in Redwood City for a concert tomorrow. Playing Messaien's Turangalila Symphony.

Today, 2:30pm: Design meeting with the high school staff to finalize next years show.

Today, 8:00pm. Concert tonight with the other symphony, playing Tchaik's Marche Slav, The Finale to Stravinsky's Firebird, some shit from Carmen, and The Planets.

Of course, my call time for that show is 5:00 since I'm...
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I missed a rehearsal last night. I never miss rehearsals... Baring double bookings. In the last year, I have missed 1 (one) symphony rehearsal, which was last November, when I had a 103 degree fever and could not stand, let alone try to play. Sure, I missed a couple more, but those had weeks, if not months, of advance notice and subs lined up. I...
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I practicing up for the Mozart 3rd horn concerto in Eb and it's a dooozy? Glad I had a few days left to get it right because I;d had 1111 to disappoint the lovely studdensr whose worked so hard to get here, ::d Am I making any sense???? Prolly not. Can I get another martii over here??? please????
never drink & blog, baby. Never drink & blog. wink Yikes!

Actually, what I meant to say was I have this lovely 8th grader who's doing a bang up job on that particular concerto. It always sucks when the accompanist is the weakest link so I've got my work cut out for me this week. Her teacher's made some good cuts (whew!) but there are still two sections that are scaring the shit out of me. If I was playing on a more regular basis I'm sure it would be no big deal, but I just don't spend as much time at the piano as I'd like so that rusty feeling is pretty scary. eeek
I... have nothing to do..... today.

For the first time in about a month and a half, I have a whole day to myself. No lessons, no rehearsals, no meetings, not even poker, beers, or BBQ on the radar.

And I love it.

Bike ride? Meh, probably not with thunderstorms being called for, not to mention the smoke in the air from the fire. Practice?...
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i'm loving my first non-marching memorial day weekend in 10 years. smile though i am sucking it up and going to bush's bbq today, lol. i miss it, just not the rehearsal part. have a great holiday!
oh yeah...i got the "come on we've got two flag spots left" crap all day long, ha...i had to point out to my new bf that i dragged along to the bbq that while the hornline and drumline were warming up in the shade, the guard was right out in the sun on the first hot day of the season...ah how i DON'T miss that crap. heh.
Just to perpetuate my nerd-i-ness....

One of the guys in my section in one of the orchestras I play with brought a book he just received to rehearsal Monday night. It's a book consisting entirely of lip slurs. Entirely. Just lip slurs.

I was so excited, when I got home that night, I ordered it first thing.

God, I hope it arrives soon! Hours...
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I think I was committing my own version of lip slurs this weekend. Didn't get wasted, just vodka buzzy. It was delightful. And yeah, it was a pretty fantastic 48 hours. I was telling my friend Jay that I've always been the chubby smart girl and not exactly the one who got invited to all the cool parties. Oh, I had my share of "drunk & naked" during college, but after that was over I went back to being the chubby smart girl again living in my little bubble. I was just tickled that my friend would even consider having me tag along and I was terrified all weekend of being some kind of embarassment to him. I literally was on my best behavior which is kind of ironic if you think about being on your best behavior around the likes of NOFX. biggrin

Happy lip slurring.... You're silly. ooo aaa
thank you for commenting my new set! xoxo
Glad you like 'Irresistible'! Thank you for your comment.
The Reno experience sounded more like an adventure than you expected, eh? Nice work on the music stuff and that's cool that you're proud of the kids. I know too many individuals who would take all the credit for their success and usurp the "moment in the sun" those kids get to enjoy. I love how you keep it real.

And now for the unreal.....

This is what the orchestra hears when playing Carmina Burana..... Be patient while it loads and you might have to refresh it to get the slide show to sync up properly (I did). It's worth the wait. biggrin Someone had too much time on their hands. I'm gonna post this up in the band geek group too but wanted you to see it first. Enjoy.
Well, I'm off to Reno for the Jazz Festival.

Aside from a few big name guest artists, I'll be checking out my private students playing. Both the high school jazz bands and the junior high band. And I'll also check out my old junior high band. Should be fun.

And, of course, I will be making the trip to Sushi Club (hoping it's still $19.95...
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You know, every now and then I question my chosen career. Not much money, loads of stress, not much free time, and evenings and weekends are usually taken up with rehearsals and gigs.

Every now and then I question this choice, and brainstorm for a bit on a different career. My motivation drops, my practice time turns to waste, and my enthusiasm for music in...
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Your description of the Messiaen is intriguing. Gotta admit I'm totally unfamiliar with this (and haven't had a sitdown moment to watch the YouTube link you send me). Sounds like an Olympic event, though. TEN movements? That is a tough blow. Does the symphony plan to bring in respiratory therapists to handle the damage control? wink

Good luck with this. Can't wait to hear how this shakes out. Sounds amazing! When's the performance?
Today starts the brass class.

I teach a Brass Workshop at a local high school once a week in the Spring and Summer times. And, once again, it's starting up today. I'm even almost ready! My normal partner in crime is out of town for a while, working on his Doctorate at USC, so I am on my own. That's not bad, that's actually how...
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So, Mahler is done. Here is an excerpt of the review from the San Francisco Classical Voice.

The Many Moods of Mahler

By David Bratman

Brass in Fine Fettle

"Mahler's first movement gives a fairer chance for brass players to show their quality. The Redwood Symphony's brass, often its weakest section, put on a special effort here. The horns were full and fat, with...
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heavy brass biggrin
Ha! Heavy brass.... you'd think a music critic would know that it's called "low brass". Although the term is rather endearing, I must say. Congrats on a job well done. I'm not familiar with your next literature but if it's tougher than Mahler, I guess I should say happy practicing, eh? BTW, I like the haircut -- looks great! Have you gotten used to it? Was it weird to shed the locks? I think I'm about ready to cut four inches off my own.
Gig today. Playing Mahler's 3rd Symphony.

It's one of those things I have waited for a very long time to play. Now I get the chance.

Hope I do it some justice...