I am a terrible blogger. I get these great ideas to write when I'm out on the bike, or at rehearsals or gigs, or out teaching. Then I get home and have no idea what it was, or I do get some of it down and it looks like pretentious trash begging for attention. You know, like the majority of internet forums and blog posts. Not for me.
Whatever. I'll get some new thoughts out soon enough. This whole Trayvon Martin thing is really unnerving, as well as the whole Prop 8/Same Sex Marriage debate, the Health Care Debacle... I could go on and on.
But for now, just a quick update:
The Solvang Double Century was this past Saturday. My first double century, and the first leg of my first California Triple Crown. It was awesome, albeit crazy hard. I flew the first half, finishing the first 100 miles in a bit under 5:15:00. The second half we had one of the fircest, most powerful headwinds they had seen in a while. So, yeah, that was fun. Pedaling as hard as possible, down on the aero bars, drafting the guy in front of me, struggling to keep my speed above 8 mph. For 45+ miles. Sucked.
But, I fought it, and finished.
202.4 miles
14 hours, 25 minutes, 31 seconds
147th place out of 332 finishers (550 started)
62nd out of 117 in my age group, Male aged 1-49
And I just signed up for the Davis Double Century on May 19th. New goal, now that I know what to expect: Crack 13 hours. Shouldn't be too hard, it shouldn't be as windy (knock on wood) and I now know I can spend much less time at the rest stops.
So we'll see!
The rig in the hotel room just before I left to head to the starting line.
The rig at Checkpoint #4, in the middle of some fierce assed wind.

Whatever. I'll get some new thoughts out soon enough. This whole Trayvon Martin thing is really unnerving, as well as the whole Prop 8/Same Sex Marriage debate, the Health Care Debacle... I could go on and on.
But for now, just a quick update:
The Solvang Double Century was this past Saturday. My first double century, and the first leg of my first California Triple Crown. It was awesome, albeit crazy hard. I flew the first half, finishing the first 100 miles in a bit under 5:15:00. The second half we had one of the fircest, most powerful headwinds they had seen in a while. So, yeah, that was fun. Pedaling as hard as possible, down on the aero bars, drafting the guy in front of me, struggling to keep my speed above 8 mph. For 45+ miles. Sucked.
But, I fought it, and finished.
202.4 miles
14 hours, 25 minutes, 31 seconds
147th place out of 332 finishers (550 started)
62nd out of 117 in my age group, Male aged 1-49
And I just signed up for the Davis Double Century on May 19th. New goal, now that I know what to expect: Crack 13 hours. Shouldn't be too hard, it shouldn't be as windy (knock on wood) and I now know I can spend much less time at the rest stops.
So we'll see!
The rig in the hotel room just before I left to head to the starting line.

The rig at Checkpoint #4, in the middle of some fierce assed wind.