I apologize for not being as active, I have been working non-stop on creating my own business from scratch and it's coming along. Slowly but surely <3
but I've been productive otherwise XD How are you doing though <3
I have been working so incredibly hard to start up my own business while also creating books on the side. I'm proud of how productive I have been but also nervous about the outcome. I want things to turn out well but my finances are weighing on me, especially for a business start-up. I need the rest of the money by this month but that's...
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Excited, today we secured some drawers for me to finally be able to organize my paperwork and sellable stuff which is huge for me! I got an amazing workout in which I finally got to leave the house for while still remaining safe of course. Got to eat out with some of my family, a day like this hasn't happened in quite some time and...
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I'm no longer holding myself back from achieving what I want. I'm starting fresh and actually trying to get things done, finally having time to apply to become a Suicide Girl Hopeful being one of those things. Another thing is starting up my business because nothing is hotter than an entrepreneur who will get her own domain as well 😊 This is the most confident...
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