My hair is crazy long right now which is friggin' sweet. I chop it all off usually when it gets too long -even though I want it long and it makes me sad. I either get fed up with tangles (my hair tangles uber fast) or I just think it's in the way. somehow I have managed to go all of 2010 without hacking off my locks. Kudos. Well done champ.
Well, I don't know what to do with it, so I usually keep it in a messy bun. My highlights (from like March) are grown out. The black underneath has faded/been highlighted (again in March) and is some kind of chocolaty brown color. I sometimes put some Vampire red Manic Panic in my hairs but I get bitched out at work about the redness. So I have slacked off on that.
At my job you can only have one hole filled in each ear!!! Annoying as hell. So I have to remember to take out my ear rings before I go. I only wear junk to work anyways, because yes kids- I Kawaii Kitten have a dirty job. Yup. Ewww. So I don't bother looking nice.
My hair goes into a messy bun and I throw on whatever and get dirty. I am a dirty, dirty girl.
I need advice on what to do with this mane of mine. Any good products anyone would like to suggest for long hair, color ideas, anything. I seem stuck. So I'm just letting it grow. My goal is like to my waist or some shit.
That's how long it was when I was a little kid.
It spends 80% of it's day trapped in that famous messy bun of mine. bleh.
I will not cut it though. Nopers.
Anyways, what else???
The hunny has been away for like 24 hours working on the car. It sucks. I've been cooped up and bored for like most of that time. I don't want to do anything thinking he will be done and come home and I'll be busy.
I want to move us all to the west coast. ahhhh yes. someday kiddies.
Well, I don't know what to do with it, so I usually keep it in a messy bun. My highlights (from like March) are grown out. The black underneath has faded/been highlighted (again in March) and is some kind of chocolaty brown color. I sometimes put some Vampire red Manic Panic in my hairs but I get bitched out at work about the redness. So I have slacked off on that.
At my job you can only have one hole filled in each ear!!! Annoying as hell. So I have to remember to take out my ear rings before I go. I only wear junk to work anyways, because yes kids- I Kawaii Kitten have a dirty job. Yup. Ewww. So I don't bother looking nice.
My hair goes into a messy bun and I throw on whatever and get dirty. I am a dirty, dirty girl.
I need advice on what to do with this mane of mine. Any good products anyone would like to suggest for long hair, color ideas, anything. I seem stuck. So I'm just letting it grow. My goal is like to my waist or some shit.
That's how long it was when I was a little kid.
It spends 80% of it's day trapped in that famous messy bun of mine. bleh.
I will not cut it though. Nopers.
Anyways, what else???
The hunny has been away for like 24 hours working on the car. It sucks. I've been cooped up and bored for like most of that time. I don't want to do anything thinking he will be done and come home and I'll be busy.
I want to move us all to the west coast. ahhhh yes. someday kiddies.

Or you could cut some of the front maybe? like choppy layers, or bangs or something? To add some interest without taking away over all length?
Whatever you do with it, you look beautiful