Today was a great day, and it isnt over yet...
I made french toast for breakfast, and for once, was well enough to eat it.. Then, i had my interview, which went really well. I'll know if I have the job by the first week in Oct.
I checked the mail when I got back and my divorce papers were waiting there ever so patiently.

This is what a free woman looks like!
I made stir fry for dinner, and am gonna get dressed up and go out to Paddy-O's for some pool in a bit..
My set, Delicate Wash is in need of some more loving comments... go OOGLE mah BOOBIEZ!
Life is good, I <3 you all!
I made french toast for breakfast, and for once, was well enough to eat it.. Then, i had my interview, which went really well. I'll know if I have the job by the first week in Oct.
I checked the mail when I got back and my divorce papers were waiting there ever so patiently.

This is what a free woman looks like!
I made stir fry for dinner, and am gonna get dressed up and go out to Paddy-O's for some pool in a bit..
My set, Delicate Wash is in need of some more loving comments... go OOGLE mah BOOBIEZ!
Life is good, I <3 you all!
i dont mean to sound like a perv, but i like oggling your boobs! but all i can think about when i look thru your set is fire bush, im such a perv arent i?