I've just started becoming aware of my seemingly problematic hatred for people...
I have Nextel as my cell carrier, and as most of you well know, Nextel has direct connect/walkie talkie... I was on walkie with Liz (a pal) and it was in silent and up to my ear... I was on the orange line coming back from the airport today and while I was on silent direct connect (where it doesnt come out the speaker, it comes out the earpiece like a normal call) some bitch shushed me... I keep talking and think nothing of her and she proceeds to lean over and tell me that she didnt appreciate hearing my conversation...
To which... I did the shittiest thing I could think of... I turned the speaker on and finished out my convo, stopping mid-sentence to ask her "is that better?" Mind you, when I was talking with it on silent I WAS being quiet and considerate of the people around me...
I just realized that my distaste for everyone is getting out of hand.. I have some serious rage issues lately.. I think I need to go see a doctor for that too...
I have Nextel as my cell carrier, and as most of you well know, Nextel has direct connect/walkie talkie... I was on walkie with Liz (a pal) and it was in silent and up to my ear... I was on the orange line coming back from the airport today and while I was on silent direct connect (where it doesnt come out the speaker, it comes out the earpiece like a normal call) some bitch shushed me... I keep talking and think nothing of her and she proceeds to lean over and tell me that she didnt appreciate hearing my conversation...
To which... I did the shittiest thing I could think of... I turned the speaker on and finished out my convo, stopping mid-sentence to ask her "is that better?" Mind you, when I was talking with it on silent I WAS being quiet and considerate of the people around me...
I just realized that my distaste for everyone is getting out of hand.. I have some serious rage issues lately.. I think I need to go see a doctor for that too...