So... the weekend went well, had lots of fun doing lots of army stuff.... thats really all I can say at the moment because they are trying to deploy us again... Yuck..
While I was there, the last day even, the boys' house got broken into.. David had a laptop stolen as well as some dollars from his room, and there was ransackery and the thieving bastards decided to snag my ipod and my psp.... now granted I can live without the psp, but the ipod? come on now, is nothing sacred anymore... I had to listen to the sounds of Amtrak for 3 hours on the way back so thank you whomever you are....
so I am now adding a new ipod to my wish list....
:: sigh ::
While I was there, the last day even, the boys' house got broken into.. David had a laptop stolen as well as some dollars from his room, and there was ransackery and the thieving bastards decided to snag my ipod and my psp.... now granted I can live without the psp, but the ipod? come on now, is nothing sacred anymore... I had to listen to the sounds of Amtrak for 3 hours on the way back so thank you whomever you are....
so I am now adding a new ipod to my wish list....
:: sigh ::
After this weekend I'm done helping at CDC so we can schedule anytime after that.
RAR!!!!!! *shows war face* ...... *preps for melee combat* oh wait... i'm navy... i don't even know what melee means... =/