so, my first night as a dancer sucked. my boss kept me waiting for three hours and i had to hang out with these stupid club kids and get hit on by a bunch of skeevy guys. I had the worst migraine and just couldn't wait to get home and go to sleep. I'm s'posed to go back tonight, but I think that I'm going...
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good authors* i'm reading "the chelsea whistle" by michelle tea right now.
p.s. nice photo**
So, Nick was s'posed to call me today and he never did. I don't even really care all that much. I guess this just means that things are really, seriously over, which is what I wanted in the first place. So, I guess it's a good thing, but I'm still having trouble feeling happy about it....
oooh, I got a new job at this club...
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Oh my goodness, I am competely trashed. I feel so much better than I did yesterday. I registered for school,a nd went to my first rehearsal tonight. I'm learning how to sing traditional south indian music. It's really weird and really hard. It's pretty cool though.
Everything is so strange right now. I'm feeling very motivated and I'm actually doing things with myself for the...
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So, things are really bad at my house right now. Everyone is flipping out because Max got arrested. I'm upset too, but I'm just sick of hearing about it....
Besides that, Nick and I are not speaking (again) which means I have nowhere else to sleep and I'm stuck here.
I'm gonna go sulk about it now.

Think about it this way, you're not arrested. That's good right? You could live in New Haven and not middletown, right? At least you have somewhere to sleep, right?

See, all is not sooo bad. Plus, you are extremely attractive, cheer up!
So Nick left at five a.m. this morning. I should be used to it by now, but it always makes me really sad and, for some reason, nervous too. It's almost like I worry in advance about how I'm going to pass the time for eight days. Like when I'm not with him all I'm doing is passing time. It's such a stupid way to...
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To everyone who offered to help me edit my pics, thank you so much. You are all so sweet. I already found someone to do it, but I am still eternally grateful to all of you.

ok. I'm starting to get really pissed off. I sent my pics out like two weeks ago and Veronica still hasn't got them. It's all because I'm too stupid to figure out how the fuck to fix them on my computer. Does anyone want to help me out and show me what to do with them?

If you need help? I can help you. I do photoretouching for a living.
sweetie, I've already sent you a few pics that I edited, so don't you think I could fix yours? Write me and let me know if you still want help.