so here's an update on the crap that happened this past week. thursday i was in a car accident. i hydroplaned and loss control of my car, the front of my car hit the guard rail and then it spun and hit the back. my car is totaled. i reinjured my back and injured my neck. i went to work on friday and was in a lot of pain, that night i went to the ER and got yelled at for even going to work, he told me not to go back to work untill wednesday, i got a shot in the ass which hurt like hell (it atleast distracted me from my injuries lol) and he gave me oxycodone. so i've been home not doing much being very sleepy. also on thursday i got a call, my uncle was back in jail, friday they had a bail hearing, he was out a few hours later, it was only $15,000. they are bringing it to the surpreme court. oh and i'm knitting scarves for a friend of mine ^.^ the doctor lowered me to one pill a day (my mood stablizer)!!! i've been very well considering all the shit that has happened, i acctually haven't gotten depressed and i'm sure people are more surprized that i'm not depressed over all this crap lol. well that's all for now. love yous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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