he held on for a minuate...
i slighty binged yesterday, but there wasn't much variety of food in the house so i ate peanut butter, than his mom came home with food i wanted and i ate more than i should of, i've been sick the past couple of days my sore throat is worse, my glands are swollen, my face is puffy, and my stomach is upset, they are the same simptoms i had after i would purge, but i haven't in over a week, i dunno....
...and i calasped
i slighty binged yesterday, but there wasn't much variety of food in the house so i ate peanut butter, than his mom came home with food i wanted and i ate more than i should of, i've been sick the past couple of days my sore throat is worse, my glands are swollen, my face is puffy, and my stomach is upset, they are the same simptoms i had after i would purge, but i haven't in over a week, i dunno....
...and i calasped