my uncle wants a 3rd trial - it wasn't fair enough for him - the judge gets to deside - i know i dont have much to worry about since the 1st was hung n the 2nd was guilty n the desiding judge is the same judge n he believed me - but still - n i found out thru my dad that someone from my family told her that someone should write a letter asking for a lesser sentance so my mom n my aunt can rekindle their relationship - !!?!! - i'm pissed that my mom didn't tell me this n that i had to hear it from my especially since they've been divorced for 14yrs!!!!!!!! - i havn't been sleeping good latly b/c my uncle has been in all my dreams n now i know that he will be there till this is all over - he doesn't get sentanced untill next month!! i hate it - i just want him gone n it to be over..................................................