Hello SG!!!!
Hope everyone's christmas was amazing!
Mine was good. I spent time with the family and the best part was seeing the look on my nieces and nephews when they opened their presents.
Given the fact that I was on a budget I was able to get them cool gifts. I bought the girls a castle tent by Discovery Kids which was just $20. Given the fact I work in a shopping center, my mom has a tendency of being fashionably late and was able to walk around after my shift and walked inside Micheal's and found a black board/white board easel at original price $50 and got it for $24 perfect gift for the boys. After so many years of buying my mom clothing, jewelry and perfumes, I learned that she doesn't use them, she puts them away and is never seen again, so this year I decided to make my money's worth and get her something she enjoys, so I got her a gift card to HomeTown Buffet.
My oldest niece Cathy is way too mature for her age, I blame her mother for that because she speaks to her as if she were an adult and has taken all her childhood ideas away so now that her mother is gone I have decided to bring her childhood back. She didn't believe in Santa so I showed her the santa tracker on Google maps and had them write a letter to Santa. They were able to see a few "Santas" here and there and she would tell me that they were not real. So I told her that the way she can tell when he's real is if the beard is real but if the beard is fake that is Santa's elves helping Santa because he needs to be in many places at the same time so he is only really there when he has time.
On Christmas morning I woke up the kids yellilng, "Santa came! Wake up! Wake Up!! Santa came!" and they all ran half asleep to the living room grabbing presents and tearing them open. I had the girls read the labels and pass them around which made Cathy believe
This is the only day out of my whole week that made me feel good.
My sister had been calling me from Mexico bugging me that she wanted to come back and she wanted me to buy her a ticket back because she wanted to spend Christmas with us so I bought her a ticket for the day before Christmas Eve to arrive at TJ at 9 am. This was two weeks in advance. I was a little iffy about buying the ticket because my gut feeling told me otherwise. This ticket cost me about $200, something I could use on bills but most importantly RENT!
Two days before her return, my aunt called my mom telling her that my sister was asking for her passport and birth certificate because she was going to get married with a "kid" :/ so my aunt is freaking out and calls my mom and tells her to talk her out of it. Of course my sister was not answering her phone anyway so it was pointless. She calls my dad instead and asks him for the birth certificate and money. My dad had just recently lost his job and he JUST gained one as a security officer for a hospital. His pay is much less and he gets paid monthly not weekly or bi-weekly. So the little money he makes he needs it for his medication because he's diabetic and his food and his rent. What frustrates me is that he has both an MD and Psychology degree but most companies won't hire him because he's past the 52 year of age hiring limit, so he has to settle for the only thing that was offered which was to be a security guard..
So my sister has trouble paying attention or understanding things and for some reason she assumes my dad makes tons of money. He gave her 900 pesos to go to Guadalajara Mexico in order to take the plane. Instead of saving that money for the taxi, she went to the beauty salon and got her nails done and went on a shopping spree. When I spoke to her she spoke so low of my Dad. She said that man is not her father and she knows he makes good money and if he is offering the money she will take it because she has needs. I had to clear everything to her and let her know that she either heard wrong or he didn't explain himself right because to her pesos means the same thing as dollars which explains why she thinks my Dad makes tons of money.
So I reminded her that she needed to take a taxi that same day to Guadalajara in order to be at the airport by 6 am and arrive at TJ at 9 am so we can pick her up. She agreed and said she would be there. That same night my aunt sends my mom a text and tells her that my sister won't be leaving. So I sent another text to my sister saying, "Sis, please, if you are not planning on taking your flight let me know so I don't have to drive all the way to TJ for nothing" and I don't get a response until the next morning saying "No sis I won't I will call you in the morning I will pay you back the money for the ticket" I truly doubt she will because she doesn't have a job and I will not take my Dad's money because this was not his mistake and he needs it more than I do.
I had a sense of relief because we didn't have to deal with her drama but I was upset and the trouble she is causing and money she is making us spend. I will not send her anymore money. If she wants to stay there that is fine with me but I'm sure she is capable of finding a job over there, chances are she won't, she will probably just find a guy who is willing to pay for her expenses and give her money like she is used to.
I requested 4 days off from work, Thursday and Friday as my regular days off, Saturday as my vacation time and Sunday the store is closed anyway. My store manager didn't want to give it to me because he wanted me to sell classes but when I asked the assistant manager he told me to only show up to work on the days that I have to teach class because my department doesn't affect the rest of the store. So I took his word for it. This week I go to work on Monday to teach my classes and I find out that I am only scheduled to work 6 hours this week which was the Monday they had asked me to show up. I don't know if he is mad that I got the 4 days off, I don't see why if I go above and beyond at work, I have broken the sales record in my department in my store by selling 19 classes in a week and at one point worked 13 days straight without complaining so why can't I get the 4 days I'm asking for? I woke up sick Monday morning and didn't feel like going to work anyway. I am actually glad I didn't have to call out today and instead am staying home. I do have to go to work tomorrow because I have classes that I need to teach but I will be off the rest of the week until next week.
I love what I do but it doesn't make enough and I am unable to to get to where I want to be. I'm really excited about starting my internship in January and graduating again in May and hopefully get a job in the summer. If I do lose my job at PetSmart I won't be disappointed because it gives me time to focus on school and have less stress.
A few weeks ago, a lady calls me telling me that they found Cherry and were asking about the reward. I was puzzled because Cherry was with me but then I remember my boyfriend lost her collar with her info on it so maybe someone placed the tag on a dog and lost it. So I felt bad for the dog and wanted to pick it up. I asked the lady where she lived and she said Pomona! I lost the tag in Downey! I had to head off to work and had no car and I told the lady I couldn't pick up the dog so the next day another lady calls me for the same reason and this time it was a different lady. I assumed that the last lady dumped the poor dog into the street and made it someone else's problem. So again I told this lady the same thing and she said she would have to call animal control. I couldn't sleep that night so the next morning I wanted to call the lady back so I can drive over there and pick it up but she called from a private number and I checked with animal control but they picked up so many dogs that fit the description and there is an adoption fee of $300 per dog!
It made me feel horrible. I just hoped that someone adopted the poor dog. After that experience I have decided to become a foster mom. I contacted an organization and put in an application. Within a week they handed me a beautiful Pomeranian mixed Eskie and it was love at first sight! I called her by her name and she ran to me as if though she knew me. The only reason why she had a hard time finding a home is because she has both male and female parts. She looks female but also has male tendencies. She was both spayed and neutered. She is such a sweetheart! She is potty trained, doesn't bark, great with children and other dogs and just wants to be loved. The agency contacted me telling me that she was already adopted and will be picked up soon
and in her place they will provide me with another dog just like Honey but his name is Lucky and he is 10 years old but acts like he's 2. They had to remove 13 teeth so he has to eat wet food (which i'm not very fond of for a few reasons)
I'm sad because my whole family has gotten used to Honey and Cherry's socialization skills have gotten better. I provided food, shelter and love and would love to keep her but then i remind myself how there are other pets out there in need of the same thing and foster parents are not very common so if this is something I can do to make a small difference in the world I would. I just wish I had a house with a yard to have more dogs to foster
I'm seeing this new year not very different from this last one but I said the same thing about last year and it actually got worse. I will begin this new year with more positive thoughts and vibes and hopefully more blessings come our way. I feel like my sister might have abandoned her children because she has been gone for 6 months now, her kids always ask for her and she has not once called and asked to speak to them. If she stayed I'm guessing she doesn't want to come back because she is living a "teen" life with no responsibilities, on a dating spree and the freedom to do what she wants with the excuse that she is an "adult" to do as she pleases. If this is true, I wish her the best and hope that one day she matures and takes life seriously and lives happy. I will adopt these kids and try to undo so many years of damage my sister has caused and build their confidence and make them feel wanted and loved because right now, they don't feel any of this no matter how many times we tell them.
I wish everyone a Happy and prosperous New Year!!!! Time to set new goals and chase our dreams!
- <3 Peaches <3
Hope everyone's christmas was amazing!
Mine was good. I spent time with the family and the best part was seeing the look on my nieces and nephews when they opened their presents.
Given the fact that I was on a budget I was able to get them cool gifts. I bought the girls a castle tent by Discovery Kids which was just $20. Given the fact I work in a shopping center, my mom has a tendency of being fashionably late and was able to walk around after my shift and walked inside Micheal's and found a black board/white board easel at original price $50 and got it for $24 perfect gift for the boys. After so many years of buying my mom clothing, jewelry and perfumes, I learned that she doesn't use them, she puts them away and is never seen again, so this year I decided to make my money's worth and get her something she enjoys, so I got her a gift card to HomeTown Buffet.
My oldest niece Cathy is way too mature for her age, I blame her mother for that because she speaks to her as if she were an adult and has taken all her childhood ideas away so now that her mother is gone I have decided to bring her childhood back. She didn't believe in Santa so I showed her the santa tracker on Google maps and had them write a letter to Santa. They were able to see a few "Santas" here and there and she would tell me that they were not real. So I told her that the way she can tell when he's real is if the beard is real but if the beard is fake that is Santa's elves helping Santa because he needs to be in many places at the same time so he is only really there when he has time.
On Christmas morning I woke up the kids yellilng, "Santa came! Wake up! Wake Up!! Santa came!" and they all ran half asleep to the living room grabbing presents and tearing them open. I had the girls read the labels and pass them around which made Cathy believe

This is the only day out of my whole week that made me feel good.
My sister had been calling me from Mexico bugging me that she wanted to come back and she wanted me to buy her a ticket back because she wanted to spend Christmas with us so I bought her a ticket for the day before Christmas Eve to arrive at TJ at 9 am. This was two weeks in advance. I was a little iffy about buying the ticket because my gut feeling told me otherwise. This ticket cost me about $200, something I could use on bills but most importantly RENT!
Two days before her return, my aunt called my mom telling her that my sister was asking for her passport and birth certificate because she was going to get married with a "kid" :/ so my aunt is freaking out and calls my mom and tells her to talk her out of it. Of course my sister was not answering her phone anyway so it was pointless. She calls my dad instead and asks him for the birth certificate and money. My dad had just recently lost his job and he JUST gained one as a security officer for a hospital. His pay is much less and he gets paid monthly not weekly or bi-weekly. So the little money he makes he needs it for his medication because he's diabetic and his food and his rent. What frustrates me is that he has both an MD and Psychology degree but most companies won't hire him because he's past the 52 year of age hiring limit, so he has to settle for the only thing that was offered which was to be a security guard..
So my sister has trouble paying attention or understanding things and for some reason she assumes my dad makes tons of money. He gave her 900 pesos to go to Guadalajara Mexico in order to take the plane. Instead of saving that money for the taxi, she went to the beauty salon and got her nails done and went on a shopping spree. When I spoke to her she spoke so low of my Dad. She said that man is not her father and she knows he makes good money and if he is offering the money she will take it because she has needs. I had to clear everything to her and let her know that she either heard wrong or he didn't explain himself right because to her pesos means the same thing as dollars which explains why she thinks my Dad makes tons of money.
So I reminded her that she needed to take a taxi that same day to Guadalajara in order to be at the airport by 6 am and arrive at TJ at 9 am so we can pick her up. She agreed and said she would be there. That same night my aunt sends my mom a text and tells her that my sister won't be leaving. So I sent another text to my sister saying, "Sis, please, if you are not planning on taking your flight let me know so I don't have to drive all the way to TJ for nothing" and I don't get a response until the next morning saying "No sis I won't I will call you in the morning I will pay you back the money for the ticket" I truly doubt she will because she doesn't have a job and I will not take my Dad's money because this was not his mistake and he needs it more than I do.
I had a sense of relief because we didn't have to deal with her drama but I was upset and the trouble she is causing and money she is making us spend. I will not send her anymore money. If she wants to stay there that is fine with me but I'm sure she is capable of finding a job over there, chances are she won't, she will probably just find a guy who is willing to pay for her expenses and give her money like she is used to.
I requested 4 days off from work, Thursday and Friday as my regular days off, Saturday as my vacation time and Sunday the store is closed anyway. My store manager didn't want to give it to me because he wanted me to sell classes but when I asked the assistant manager he told me to only show up to work on the days that I have to teach class because my department doesn't affect the rest of the store. So I took his word for it. This week I go to work on Monday to teach my classes and I find out that I am only scheduled to work 6 hours this week which was the Monday they had asked me to show up. I don't know if he is mad that I got the 4 days off, I don't see why if I go above and beyond at work, I have broken the sales record in my department in my store by selling 19 classes in a week and at one point worked 13 days straight without complaining so why can't I get the 4 days I'm asking for? I woke up sick Monday morning and didn't feel like going to work anyway. I am actually glad I didn't have to call out today and instead am staying home. I do have to go to work tomorrow because I have classes that I need to teach but I will be off the rest of the week until next week.
I love what I do but it doesn't make enough and I am unable to to get to where I want to be. I'm really excited about starting my internship in January and graduating again in May and hopefully get a job in the summer. If I do lose my job at PetSmart I won't be disappointed because it gives me time to focus on school and have less stress.
A few weeks ago, a lady calls me telling me that they found Cherry and were asking about the reward. I was puzzled because Cherry was with me but then I remember my boyfriend lost her collar with her info on it so maybe someone placed the tag on a dog and lost it. So I felt bad for the dog and wanted to pick it up. I asked the lady where she lived and she said Pomona! I lost the tag in Downey! I had to head off to work and had no car and I told the lady I couldn't pick up the dog so the next day another lady calls me for the same reason and this time it was a different lady. I assumed that the last lady dumped the poor dog into the street and made it someone else's problem. So again I told this lady the same thing and she said she would have to call animal control. I couldn't sleep that night so the next morning I wanted to call the lady back so I can drive over there and pick it up but she called from a private number and I checked with animal control but they picked up so many dogs that fit the description and there is an adoption fee of $300 per dog!

I'm sad because my whole family has gotten used to Honey and Cherry's socialization skills have gotten better. I provided food, shelter and love and would love to keep her but then i remind myself how there are other pets out there in need of the same thing and foster parents are not very common so if this is something I can do to make a small difference in the world I would. I just wish I had a house with a yard to have more dogs to foster

I'm seeing this new year not very different from this last one but I said the same thing about last year and it actually got worse. I will begin this new year with more positive thoughts and vibes and hopefully more blessings come our way. I feel like my sister might have abandoned her children because she has been gone for 6 months now, her kids always ask for her and she has not once called and asked to speak to them. If she stayed I'm guessing she doesn't want to come back because she is living a "teen" life with no responsibilities, on a dating spree and the freedom to do what she wants with the excuse that she is an "adult" to do as she pleases. If this is true, I wish her the best and hope that one day she matures and takes life seriously and lives happy. I will adopt these kids and try to undo so many years of damage my sister has caused and build their confidence and make them feel wanted and loved because right now, they don't feel any of this no matter how many times we tell them.
I wish everyone a Happy and prosperous New Year!!!! Time to set new goals and chase our dreams!
- <3 Peaches <3
Don't know what to write ... but wish you Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays Peaches.