Thanks for the bday wishes!
I've been super busy with school and work. I have met a lot of cool people in my new job and school. I have been under a lot of stress as well with family, school and work.
I have visited the Tim Burton exhibition in LACMA for those of you in SoCal it's a MUST! It will be there till Halloween so you guys def need to check it out!
Working at Petsmart pretty much changes your point of view about pets. I became Vegan after 6 months of working there and made a new friend with a Conure
He's the sweetest thing... I walk by and he will flap his wings like crazy trying to get my attention. And when i'm about to enter the aviary he positions himself so i can hold him. So once i extend my arm out to him he will immediately climb on and crawl all the way up my shoulder and gives me kisses as though he were thanking me for visiting him :] <3 <3 <3 I so want to buy him but he costs $600 plus habitat and other supplies
Working the fish department is a mission because everyday we have to scrub and siphon the tanks. Customers ask for fish and its our job to ask questions to make sure we are making the appropriate sale. We can't JUST sell fish, we need to make sure they have the right size tank and figure out what kind of fish they already have because sometimes they will mix fish that don't belong together and they will come back the next day asking for a refund because their fish died. :/ Sometimes customers will become offended as to why we ask so many questions and we have to be polite and answer with patience but sometimes they continue to offend you and throw a fit like a little kid would just because we refuse to sell them a pet they will murder.
Sometimes they just want to buy a pet without the habitat or food or anything else! If they really don't want to spend the extra money on things their pets need to be healthy and ALIVE, then they really shouldn't have a pet because just like us, they are living things that have just about the same kind of needs that we do.
Family wise things have been somewhat stable. My sister is in Mexico with family members but her kids stayed and it has been less stressful without her bullshit but it has been hard to study and do homework with kids running, screaming, and fighting all the time.
One of my aunts was also diagnosed with lung cancer and she has been like a second mom for me and wanted to share every moment of my life with her. Studying medicine i have learned that lung cancer can spread very quickly compared to other cancers and that had me worried. She has never smoked nor lives with people that smoke so it has been very frustrating as to why this would be happening to her. I have decided to talk to my boyfriend and ask him to get married by July 2012 which would give us some time to save up for the wedding. A few months later we called off the wedding and broke up because of some misunderstanding I guess. We have been together for 7 years and it was hard to let him go because he has always been my support and now more than ever I needed him by my side. So we got back together and are now trying to work things out. My aunt went to the doctor's for a follow up and it turns out that she was clean and no longer had lung cancer which was very shocking to the doctors and everyone else!
My Dad called us once from Mexico very upset and told my mom and I that my sister may be HIV positive. My heart sank. I don't know what to think of it. I'm in shock because that came out of no where. I am trying to succeed in my life through school and everything else and there is always something about my family that holds me back emotionally and financially.
I seriously can't wait for the day when everything will settle and we can live a normal, healthy and happy life.

I've been super busy with school and work. I have met a lot of cool people in my new job and school. I have been under a lot of stress as well with family, school and work.
I have visited the Tim Burton exhibition in LACMA for those of you in SoCal it's a MUST! It will be there till Halloween so you guys def need to check it out!
Working at Petsmart pretty much changes your point of view about pets. I became Vegan after 6 months of working there and made a new friend with a Conure

Working the fish department is a mission because everyday we have to scrub and siphon the tanks. Customers ask for fish and its our job to ask questions to make sure we are making the appropriate sale. We can't JUST sell fish, we need to make sure they have the right size tank and figure out what kind of fish they already have because sometimes they will mix fish that don't belong together and they will come back the next day asking for a refund because their fish died. :/ Sometimes customers will become offended as to why we ask so many questions and we have to be polite and answer with patience but sometimes they continue to offend you and throw a fit like a little kid would just because we refuse to sell them a pet they will murder.
Sometimes they just want to buy a pet without the habitat or food or anything else! If they really don't want to spend the extra money on things their pets need to be healthy and ALIVE, then they really shouldn't have a pet because just like us, they are living things that have just about the same kind of needs that we do.
Family wise things have been somewhat stable. My sister is in Mexico with family members but her kids stayed and it has been less stressful without her bullshit but it has been hard to study and do homework with kids running, screaming, and fighting all the time.
One of my aunts was also diagnosed with lung cancer and she has been like a second mom for me and wanted to share every moment of my life with her. Studying medicine i have learned that lung cancer can spread very quickly compared to other cancers and that had me worried. She has never smoked nor lives with people that smoke so it has been very frustrating as to why this would be happening to her. I have decided to talk to my boyfriend and ask him to get married by July 2012 which would give us some time to save up for the wedding. A few months later we called off the wedding and broke up because of some misunderstanding I guess. We have been together for 7 years and it was hard to let him go because he has always been my support and now more than ever I needed him by my side. So we got back together and are now trying to work things out. My aunt went to the doctor's for a follow up and it turns out that she was clean and no longer had lung cancer which was very shocking to the doctors and everyone else!

My Dad called us once from Mexico very upset and told my mom and I that my sister may be HIV positive. My heart sank. I don't know what to think of it. I'm in shock because that came out of no where. I am trying to succeed in my life through school and everything else and there is always something about my family that holds me back emotionally and financially.
I seriously can't wait for the day when everything will settle and we can live a normal, healthy and happy life.
I really wish I could see that, I bet it is amazing!
Well Im glad made friends with the Conure, he sounds really nice, I wish you could get him.
Im glad to hear that you guys will not just sale pets to anyone
That makes me mad, I cant stand to hear people get pets they cant take care of, like I have a pet chinchilla, people dont understand that they have some special needs, they are not hard to take care of, but the things they need they really do need.
Im really glad you and your boyfriend got back together and Im even more glad your aunt is free of lung cancer, death of family is really hard, my grandmother passed away on Monday, so I know how tuff it can be.
I really hope they are wrong about your sister!