Tell me this isn't happening all at once....
House is on escrow so we have to start looking for another one.
We have to start packing by the end of this month.
My dad was just diagnosed with Diabetes.
We have no money at all. Rent is due and we are short $100.
I'm getting anxiety attacks. I wake up every single night at 3:00 am and cannot go back to sleep because I have the urge of running.
Sometimes i just brake down and cry for no reason. I can't eat because I'm always feeling nauseous so i'm living off fruit and water.
I tried to go back to school but it was already too late and now I have to wait until the summer.
And i just had my court hearing today which i found out about yesterday.
This whole house process is too hard for us to deal with alone. We don't know where to go, what to do, etc. Just when we think we found one we have to keep looking for another.
My dad's diagnosis was the biggest reality check for me. His father died from it, and three months ago his sister died from it. I want him to really take care of himself. I'm serious about moving to Europe so we can all live together and help one another but I don't see that happening sometime soon. The advantage is that he's a doctor and he knows what to do.
The anxiety attacks are driving me crazy. I feel like I try to sleep and my arms and legs get heavy and someone is pinching my nerves. I have to run in order for it to calm down a bit because not even then does it go away. It won't let me sleep.
I can't even eat! I don't know what's wrong with me but the smell or sight of food makes me gag. My stomach growls and shows signs of hunger but my brain and throat say it's gross. My mom bought me some gelatin and i can only eat half one hour and another half the other hour and sips of water in between. This may be another sign of stress or an unconscious way of control. I don't know.
Going to school and finding out school started a month ago really sucked. I could have gotten a heads up on my math and been one step closer to graduating and then transferring. I got my financial aid but i cannot get into the classes and I was pissed! Now I have to wait until the summer session.
For some reason I felt the need to call the court of Appeals yesterday and find out what's going on with my unemployment appeal and they informed me that i have a hearing the next day. I was freaking out because I never got a notice in the mail and I was so close in missing my hearing! Luckily I called on time and was able to go in today.
I was a nervous wreck! I wanted to cry because I didn't think that there would be such mean people that would make someone go through something like this. I didn't want to see my employer and I was hoping with all my heart that they didn't show up.
I reviewed my folder and then it was my turn to go into the court room. First time ever and it wasn't what I pictured it would be like. There was no lady typing away and there wasn't a podium where the judge stands, he wasn't even wearing the gown.
He started the session and made me tell him my version of the story as he went along asking questions and stuff. My heart was going to jump out of my chest. The session lasted 30 minutes and my employer didn't show up. The judge will notify me by mail within 10 days to see if they ruled in my favor which I hope they do.
If I do get my unemployment my life will get so much easier. I will be able to pay rent, my bills, my car, buy more tattoo supplies, and do all the daily essentials that I have taken for granted for so long. I can even get into fashion design and create clothing and I'll be able to buy the cloth and supplies. My dream is to design a wedding gown. If my unemployment goes through I will def make that my priority.
That was a scary experience though. Luckily Pookey was there to support me. He said I did a good job.
I'm just really worried about what will happen next. I feel like i'm standing on the edge of a cliff.
House is on escrow so we have to start looking for another one.
We have to start packing by the end of this month.
My dad was just diagnosed with Diabetes.
We have no money at all. Rent is due and we are short $100.
I'm getting anxiety attacks. I wake up every single night at 3:00 am and cannot go back to sleep because I have the urge of running.
Sometimes i just brake down and cry for no reason. I can't eat because I'm always feeling nauseous so i'm living off fruit and water.
I tried to go back to school but it was already too late and now I have to wait until the summer.
And i just had my court hearing today which i found out about yesterday.
This whole house process is too hard for us to deal with alone. We don't know where to go, what to do, etc. Just when we think we found one we have to keep looking for another.
My dad's diagnosis was the biggest reality check for me. His father died from it, and three months ago his sister died from it. I want him to really take care of himself. I'm serious about moving to Europe so we can all live together and help one another but I don't see that happening sometime soon. The advantage is that he's a doctor and he knows what to do.
The anxiety attacks are driving me crazy. I feel like I try to sleep and my arms and legs get heavy and someone is pinching my nerves. I have to run in order for it to calm down a bit because not even then does it go away. It won't let me sleep.
I can't even eat! I don't know what's wrong with me but the smell or sight of food makes me gag. My stomach growls and shows signs of hunger but my brain and throat say it's gross. My mom bought me some gelatin and i can only eat half one hour and another half the other hour and sips of water in between. This may be another sign of stress or an unconscious way of control. I don't know.
Going to school and finding out school started a month ago really sucked. I could have gotten a heads up on my math and been one step closer to graduating and then transferring. I got my financial aid but i cannot get into the classes and I was pissed! Now I have to wait until the summer session.
For some reason I felt the need to call the court of Appeals yesterday and find out what's going on with my unemployment appeal and they informed me that i have a hearing the next day. I was freaking out because I never got a notice in the mail and I was so close in missing my hearing! Luckily I called on time and was able to go in today.
I was a nervous wreck! I wanted to cry because I didn't think that there would be such mean people that would make someone go through something like this. I didn't want to see my employer and I was hoping with all my heart that they didn't show up.
I reviewed my folder and then it was my turn to go into the court room. First time ever and it wasn't what I pictured it would be like. There was no lady typing away and there wasn't a podium where the judge stands, he wasn't even wearing the gown.
He started the session and made me tell him my version of the story as he went along asking questions and stuff. My heart was going to jump out of my chest. The session lasted 30 minutes and my employer didn't show up. The judge will notify me by mail within 10 days to see if they ruled in my favor which I hope they do.
If I do get my unemployment my life will get so much easier. I will be able to pay rent, my bills, my car, buy more tattoo supplies, and do all the daily essentials that I have taken for granted for so long. I can even get into fashion design and create clothing and I'll be able to buy the cloth and supplies. My dream is to design a wedding gown. If my unemployment goes through I will def make that my priority.
That was a scary experience though. Luckily Pookey was there to support me. He said I did a good job.
I'm just really worried about what will happen next. I feel like i'm standing on the edge of a cliff.
Why didnt they tell you about the house when you looked at it the first time, that isnt right.
Well at least he knows what to do, he can beat this, may people live very long lives with this, he just has to do what needs to be done and you may have to keep after his ass.
Can you get some natural sleep aide? I know there are a lot of good ones out there.
I would say it is stress, but if I were you I would get it checked out to see if anything can be done.
Well the summer isnt that far away, so you will start school then and all will be good.
Well if you employer didnt show up then I would say they would have to give it to you because the only side of the story they have is your story, if they dont give it to you then that is totally bull.
Good luck, I really hope that all works out.