EEeek! Don't know where to start! Just in such a great mood i can't explain!
I've been balancing out my life right now and so far things are stabilizing slowly.
I have been stressing out because i need to come up with money for everything and the unemployment is delaying. I sent a 9 page letter explaining all my reasons to why i disagree with the fact that they denied my claim because they claim i "quit" when i was let go. Still have not heard from them yet and i have bills to pay so i cannot sit and wait until they decide to mail me a response.
The nurse Marie with whom i used to work with told me that already, the lady i was training before i left quit. So the doc hired 2 other peeps and already fired one and they other is considering of quitting. She also told me that the doc is regretting she fired me which makes me feel great! She also told me that she will be leaving to India for the 18 of Dec through Jan 8. Hopefully i get the court hearing during that time because then the court will favor me because the other party failed to show up.
So i also have been trying almost everything i can to raise money to get through. I have been posting so many bulletins on Myspace for tattoos and body piercing and hoping someone will repost and someone will contact me. What frustrates me is that when people do, they get me excited with such cool projects but then don't contact me again. Such a tease... I have also with the help of my sister, been selling reindeer candy canes for $1 and so far so good. Came up with enough money to pay 2 of my bills.
I also showed up to a dinner party at my apartments and they were playing a game. They attached labels under our chairs and depending on what our label said, we would get a gift. We got a $25 American Express gift card! Yay! That helped us pay our ISTA bill, well, a portion of it. The bill was $40 so $25 is a HUGE help! We also met new neighbors whom were really nice.
We have also been trying to sell some of our stuff so when the moving day comes, we wont be so overwhelmed with so much junk. But just when people want to buy the item, we don't hear from them again. I'm like thinking, what's the deal?! They say they will stop by that day but then they don't and that was that. We tried ebay and and nothing has helped. Guess i'll just keep trying until someone comes along.
My mom is still not back from Mexico but should be coming back in January. My bro couldn't go after all so my mom will have to come back to LAX. Can't wait! I miss her so much!
Pookey finally agreed on throwing a SMALL xmas dinner. I'm super excited! I love having the family over for the holidays!
My computer fully fucked up this time. I'm currently using it under safe mode. I don't know what happened? Every time we turn it on and starts to load it freezes! Any suggestions? We want to take it to the Geeksquad but we REALLY can't afford that right now so i guess it will have to wait. It is a bit frustrating because i need my laptop for my daily stuff, email, tattoos, etc. So my laptop means everything to me! Anyone know of anyone that fixes computers and live near the Norwalk California area?
For 2 weeks straight i have been driving my sister to Covina for her security training classes and at first i found it to be a drag but now i don't. I do so much while i wait for her. I sketch tats, read a book ( i have been wanting to do this for a long time now), take naps, or whatever i'm in the mood of doing. So finally she is certified but now she needs to find a good company that will place her in Norwalk so she can start working asap.
A couple nights ago she called me hysterically telling me that she needs a ride to the hospital because her second oldest fell and was bleeding. So we took her to the nearest hospital. I guess my niece was climbing a pipe outside the house, slipped and fell really hard. The doc said she was fine and gave her some ointment. But we were there for 4 hours! I'm sick and we had to sit near the door and every time someone walked in or out the cold wind would blow in. I was coughing so much that night that by the next day i had only 2 hours of sleep and still had to drive my sister to Covina and then Paramount and back to Norwalk.
My really good friend jaywailer asked me if he could get some ink because right now i have a xmas offer in which $100 covers 4 hours and he was helping me out make money to cover my expenses. So i did this really cool shark on him.
So he also wants to get more work done. I guess he wants some of his other tats touched up to match the dark shade of ink i used. He even tipped me with chocolates! BOMB ASS CHOCOLATES!!!! They were gone in 2 days! Lol!
He even referred me to a friend and he had me tatting again the next day. His friend had a tat originally done in Rome and wanted to black out the background so we gave it a glowing effect.
So then he also wanted a spider web and we freehanded the spider web
They were tired but happy with their tats. Hopefully they call me again for more tats.
Yesterday after taking my sis to more errands, we went to the mall to take a survey and we were paid $5 and that helped get another bill covered.
I'm also going to start offering dog walking services. I need my exercise, love dogs, love to walk so hopefully that works out for me too.
Hopefully by January i will be able to shoot another set for all my wonderful supportive SG fans!!!!
So things are going better than i expected and i hope that it stays that way or gets better.
I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!!! Hope things go well for you guys also.
If i don't talk to you guys later, ...
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been balancing out my life right now and so far things are stabilizing slowly.
I have been stressing out because i need to come up with money for everything and the unemployment is delaying. I sent a 9 page letter explaining all my reasons to why i disagree with the fact that they denied my claim because they claim i "quit" when i was let go. Still have not heard from them yet and i have bills to pay so i cannot sit and wait until they decide to mail me a response.
The nurse Marie with whom i used to work with told me that already, the lady i was training before i left quit. So the doc hired 2 other peeps and already fired one and they other is considering of quitting. She also told me that the doc is regretting she fired me which makes me feel great! She also told me that she will be leaving to India for the 18 of Dec through Jan 8. Hopefully i get the court hearing during that time because then the court will favor me because the other party failed to show up.
So i also have been trying almost everything i can to raise money to get through. I have been posting so many bulletins on Myspace for tattoos and body piercing and hoping someone will repost and someone will contact me. What frustrates me is that when people do, they get me excited with such cool projects but then don't contact me again. Such a tease... I have also with the help of my sister, been selling reindeer candy canes for $1 and so far so good. Came up with enough money to pay 2 of my bills.
I also showed up to a dinner party at my apartments and they were playing a game. They attached labels under our chairs and depending on what our label said, we would get a gift. We got a $25 American Express gift card! Yay! That helped us pay our ISTA bill, well, a portion of it. The bill was $40 so $25 is a HUGE help! We also met new neighbors whom were really nice.
We have also been trying to sell some of our stuff so when the moving day comes, we wont be so overwhelmed with so much junk. But just when people want to buy the item, we don't hear from them again. I'm like thinking, what's the deal?! They say they will stop by that day but then they don't and that was that. We tried ebay and and nothing has helped. Guess i'll just keep trying until someone comes along.
My mom is still not back from Mexico but should be coming back in January. My bro couldn't go after all so my mom will have to come back to LAX. Can't wait! I miss her so much!
Pookey finally agreed on throwing a SMALL xmas dinner. I'm super excited! I love having the family over for the holidays!
My computer fully fucked up this time. I'm currently using it under safe mode. I don't know what happened? Every time we turn it on and starts to load it freezes! Any suggestions? We want to take it to the Geeksquad but we REALLY can't afford that right now so i guess it will have to wait. It is a bit frustrating because i need my laptop for my daily stuff, email, tattoos, etc. So my laptop means everything to me! Anyone know of anyone that fixes computers and live near the Norwalk California area?
For 2 weeks straight i have been driving my sister to Covina for her security training classes and at first i found it to be a drag but now i don't. I do so much while i wait for her. I sketch tats, read a book ( i have been wanting to do this for a long time now), take naps, or whatever i'm in the mood of doing. So finally she is certified but now she needs to find a good company that will place her in Norwalk so she can start working asap.
A couple nights ago she called me hysterically telling me that she needs a ride to the hospital because her second oldest fell and was bleeding. So we took her to the nearest hospital. I guess my niece was climbing a pipe outside the house, slipped and fell really hard. The doc said she was fine and gave her some ointment. But we were there for 4 hours! I'm sick and we had to sit near the door and every time someone walked in or out the cold wind would blow in. I was coughing so much that night that by the next day i had only 2 hours of sleep and still had to drive my sister to Covina and then Paramount and back to Norwalk.
My really good friend jaywailer asked me if he could get some ink because right now i have a xmas offer in which $100 covers 4 hours and he was helping me out make money to cover my expenses. So i did this really cool shark on him.

So he also wants to get more work done. I guess he wants some of his other tats touched up to match the dark shade of ink i used. He even tipped me with chocolates! BOMB ASS CHOCOLATES!!!! They were gone in 2 days! Lol!
He even referred me to a friend and he had me tatting again the next day. His friend had a tat originally done in Rome and wanted to black out the background so we gave it a glowing effect.

So then he also wanted a spider web and we freehanded the spider web

They were tired but happy with their tats. Hopefully they call me again for more tats.
Yesterday after taking my sis to more errands, we went to the mall to take a survey and we were paid $5 and that helped get another bill covered.
I'm also going to start offering dog walking services. I need my exercise, love dogs, love to walk so hopefully that works out for me too.
Hopefully by January i will be able to shoot another set for all my wonderful supportive SG fans!!!!
So things are going better than i expected and i hope that it stays that way or gets better.
I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!!! Hope things go well for you guys also.
If i don't talk to you guys later, ...
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should change your profile photo to the brunette look.. Your far more smoking as a darker haired girl, it gives you that " Russ Meyer Girl" sexiness.
Well they should at least call you up and talk to you about the whole thing, could you go in and talk to them about the letter?
Well Im glad she regrets firing you, she deserves to feel a little mental pain for putting you thru all that pain. I hope you can get the court date then to.
I really hope you can get some tattoo appointments soon, I hate when people dont follow thru with a plan. Oh, I want a reindeer candy cane.
Getting $25 is always a big help, Im glad you got lucky on that one. It always makes for a nice place to live if you have nice neighbors.
If people dont want to buy the thing they should at least call you and tell you that they dont want it.
I hope the Christmas dinner went well.
I used my desk top on safe mode for like 8 months, it really sucked because I couldnt get it to have sound along with a couple of other stuff, I have a new laptop now, but I still want to get it fixed soon.
I really hope your sister finds a job soon.
Im glad your sisters kid is ok, but really sorry you got sick.
The tattoos look nice.
I cant wait to see the set.